From Congressman Paul Gosar <[email protected]>
Subject Sacrificing American lives for refugees
Date August 29, 2021 10:00 PM
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Biden's Afghanistan disaster keeps getting worse. 

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Dear Fellow Patriot,

American troops are now dying so Biden and his globalist friends can flood the United States with untold numbers of unvetted refugees.

How many refugees are headed to America? Nobody knows.

Are these people our allies, or do they hate everything America stands for? We don't know that either.

And worse, I'm one of the only people here in Washington asking these questions.

The Communist Democrats and the RINOs are perfectly happy letting more Americans die in a Taliban-controlled war zone, so we can bring unknown entities to the United States by the tens of thousands.

It's long past time to evacuate ALL American citizens, and get our troops out of Afghanistan for good.

I'm battling for an America First foreign policy that brings our troops home without delay, and ensures that we NEVER have a quagmire like Afghanistan again.

Show me you have my back with a generous contribution to my reelection campaign today ([link removed]) .

Anything you can chip in will help me end the Biden Administration's reckless, grossly incompetent Afghanistan disaster ([link removed]) .

I thought that after nearly 20 years of war in the Middle East -- which cost us precious American lives and billions of dollars -- we would be able to execute the simple mission of packing up, getting our citizens out, and heading home.

But I guess I was giving the Biden Administration too much credit.

He is either grossly unfit for office -- or worse -- he planned to use American troops as human shields for evacuating Afghan refugees and flooding America.

Either way, Americans were put last as usual, and this time, the consequences were deadly.

With your generous contributions to my reelection campaign today, I can keep working to put America First in Congress ([link removed]) .

A contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250 or MORE to my reelection campaign right away helps me fight to end this insane foreign policy, and focus on the immediate problems facing our country ([link removed]) .

But I need your help right away.

We need a massive America First comeback in 2022, and that process starts right now.

We can't let the globalists retain all of the power in Washington, or they will keep invading and destroying foreign lands, and creating more refugees to flood America.

Stop them with a generous contribution to my campaign today, and show them you are onto their plan ([link removed]) .

Thank you in advance for helping me put America First, and end the crisis of unvetted refugees flooding America.

For Freedom,
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Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District

P.S. The Biden administration is sacrificing American troops to make sure Afghan refugees escape the country safely.

There has never been a more grotesque example of putting Americans last.

Help me fight the Biden Administration's gross negligence with a generous contribution to my reelection campaign today ([link removed]) .


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