These soldiers didn't need to die. They didn't need to be put in this dangerous situation.
Biden and his despicable team of Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and the Generals all must be removed from office.
The blood of 13 US soldiers and countless other innocents is on their hands.
The mother of one of the fallen Marines said it better than any of us could ever tell Joe Biden what we think.
"Joe Biden is a feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap."
She is 100% right. There's no level of respect we as Americans must give the President when it's obvious he is who we think he is.
For 18 months we didn't lose a single soldier in Afghanistan.
Now Joe Biden wanted to end a war and have a celebration on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Instead Biden's decisions cost 13 American soldiers their lives.
ISIS is roaming the streets. The Taliban control billions of dollars of advanced American weaponry. Americans are stranded behind enemy lines.
He is truly derelict in his duty.