$134 million, Friend. It may seem like a lot -- and it is -- but, compared to other areas of federal spending, it’s all the funding UNICEF is requesting from the U.S. government to continue protecting millions of children around the world.
In addition to generous support from our donors, the federal funding UNICEF receives helps power programs that reach the most vulnerable children in need, create innovative solutions to issues like malnutrition and rush relief in times of crisis. We’re thankful that the House has passed the bill containing UNICEF’s federal appropriations. Now, will you take a moment to ensure that the Senate does the same to maintain UNICEF’s funding?
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This is what UNICEF’s funding looks like in the U.S. budget:
- Income Security: $1.3 Trillion
- Social Security: $1.1 Trillion
- Medicare: $776.2 Billion
- Health: $748.3 Billion
- National Defense: $726.2 Billion
- UNICEF: $134 Million
And here’s just some of the work that funding will make possible:
- Safe water and sanitation
- Lifesaving nutrition
- Early childhood development
- Investments in education
Urge Congress to fund UNICEF >>
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Friend, any reduction to this contribution could severely impact our work for children. That’s why we need your help to let the Senate know that funding UNICEF is one of the most worthwhile investments in children that our country can make.
The support you provide has made a big impact in the past. As Congress gets closer to passing annual appropriations, raise your voice to ensure UNICEF’s funding remains in place.
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UNICEF USA 125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038
(C)2021 U.S. Fund for UNICEF d/b/a UNICEF USA. All rights reserved. All photos (C)UNICEF unless otherwise noted
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