
The Trump tax cut’s benefit to billionaires, big banks, and large corporations has never been more apparent.

While millions of Americans needlessly suffered through layoffs, loss of health insurance, and cut off unemployment benefits in the past year and a half, billionaires increased their wealth by $1.8 trillion.

Some of the largest companies paid $0 in federal taxes — but the right-wing National Review has made it their mission to protect this broken financial system at the expense of the most vulnerable in our society. See for yourself:

“Booker’s Bank-Breaking ‘Baby Bonds’ Won’t Close the Wealth Gap”
The National Review, 8/25/2021

They compare baby bonds — legislation Cory has introduced to give every newborn child $1,000 deposited into a savings account to build wealth until they’re 18 — to lottery winners, baselessly arguing that frivolous spending would erase the concrete progress baby bonds would make in closing the wealth gap. It’s crackpot economics. It’s insulting. And it’s nothing new.

Fear mongering about the economy to protect the Republican Party’s largest donors isn’t a new tactic, but this is a new low. That’s why it’s so important that we respond now.

Will you rush a $10 contribution to Cory’s campaign right now to help us respond to this baseless attack? It’s not about how much you give, but how many people are chipping in at once. We need to tell the American people the truth about baby bonds.

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Publications like The National Review will spill pages of ink trying to convince you why everyday Americans deserve less. But it’s time we demand more.

Thanks for standing with Cory, and for being such an important part of our movement.

— Team Booker