Flipping this seat all comes down to this:
In just a moment, we're going to respectfully ask you to chip in your first-ever $5 to help close the gap on our goal for the Flip Pennsylvania Fund and elect John Fetterman to the Senate.
Before we get to that, we think we owe you a quick explanation.
You see, with John leading the Democratic field + data showing him as the sole candidate on our side who can reliably defeat every Republican in a head-to-head matchup, we need to be planning for the long haul. Winning the general election and flipping this open Pennsylvania seat is a gigantic focus for our campaign right now, so we're really counting on more folks like you from Pittsburgh to chip in directly to the Flip Pennsylvania Fund before Tuesday at midnight.
So, if your budget allows, will you make your first $5 donation to John Fetterman's Flip Pennsylvania Fund so we can win this seat and add that pivotal 51st Democratic vote to the U.S. Senate?
Contribute $5
We fully realize that most folks can't afford to contribute every time we ask. And we know these emails can start to pile up!
But we're asking again because it'd mean a whole lot to John, to Gisele, and our entire campaign if you'd consider contributing today. It's going to take *a looooot* of people chipping in to go the distance in this race, so we hope you'll add your first donation before Tuesday's big deadline:
John, will you donate $5 to help close the gap on our goal for the Flip Pennsylvania Fund? We're really hoping to see an uptick in donations before our deadline, especially from Pittsburgh, so we hope you'll chip in if you can swing it.
Thank you again, 🙏
— Team Fetterman