Trump Holds Massive Texas Rally, Pledges to Protect Religious Freedom and Free Speech

Thursday night, President Donald Trump held a massive rally in Dallas at the American Airlines Center, with a capacity crowd inside and thousands more outside. Members of the Texas Values Action team and board where in attendance. One of the highlights was Trump’s aggressive condemnation of Beto O’Rourke recent pledge to attack the tax-exempt status of any church, charity, or school that holds to the biblical truth that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. President Trump pledged at the end of his speech to “defend privacy, free speech, free assembly, religious liberty…above all we will never stop fighting for the values that unite people all across our land, and throughout the great state of Texas.”

As the state’s leading organization fighting to protect religious freedom, Texas Values also immediately condemned Beto’s comments made at a recent pro-LGBT Democratic Presidential Forum hosted by CNN. Using the IRS, a government agency, as a weapon to bully or coerce a church or Christian organization over their biblical beliefs is simply wrong. Make no mistake, the Left’s goal is to silence and punish anyone, especially our churches, that dares to believe God’s revealed truth about marriage. We are thankful to have a President that understands the importance of protecting the First Amendment.



New Guide Helps Parents Respond to the Transgender Trend

Across the nation and Texas, schools are adopting transgender policies that would permit boys in girl’s locker rooms, boys competing on girls’ sports teams, and “re-education” of young children to use “preferred” pronouns. Even though President Trump rescinded the Obama Administration’s illegal mandate on this issue, many schools still falsely rely on the nonexistent policy in order to allow for transgender policies. In response to parents’ concerns about these confusing and dangerous policies, several of our national and state Family Policy Council allies have created a Gender Resource Guide for parents to use to navigate the transgender issue with their children.

The Guide is a great resource that has been endorsed by medical professionals, experts in gender dysphoria, former transgender individuals, faith leaders, and national policy experts. The Guide will help parents understand the consequences of the transgender trend, the implications of transgender activism in schools, how to communicate with school leaders, and help advocate for common sense policies.



AISD Sex-Ed Vote Set For Oct. 28

This week, the AISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) gave unanimous support to the radical sex education curriculum that is set for a final vote at the Oct. 28 School Board meeting. Members of our team showed up early to be the first individuals to sign up to testify; however, the board changed their normal policy and blocked us from testifying. Now, we need as many parents and concerned citizens as possible to show up to the AISD School Board meeting on Oct. 28 to oppose the curriculum. Citizens can also sign our petition at

Texas Judge Strikes Down Obama Regulation

Texas Values praised a ruling this week by a federal judge in Texas striking down an Obama era regulation that tried to include “gender identity” in the definition of sex. Texas AG Ken Paxton joined a multi-state coalition for this case on behalf of North Texas State Hospital. This ruling protects the religious freedom beliefs of doctors who could be forced to perform abortions or gender transition procedures against their will. We applaud General Paxton for his efforts to protect religious freedom and to accurately enforce the law. Read more


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2019 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.


Texas Values Action
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220