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Good morning friends,

It's time: nominations are now open for DSA North Texas' officer positions!

DSA North Texas has five officer positions:
  1. Three (3) Co-Chairs
  2. One (1) Secretary
  3. One (1) Treasurer
Members in good standing are eligible for election. This nominations form is for self-nominations. Link to nominations form:

This form must be completed in order to be nominated. While you may submit nominations up to and including the election meeting, we suggest you submit your information as soon as possible, to give others the opportunity to consider your nomination.

The general election will be held via email on Sunday, November 10, 2019. Even if you are unable to make the meeting that day, you will receive an email with the voting link the day of and voting will be available for the next 24 hours following the start of the November meeting.

If you have any questions, please refer to our chapter bylaws, which are available on the website here! Article IV describes the duties and powers of each position.


DSA North Texas Nominations Committee

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PO Box 5245
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