Commonwealth Dinner and OUTstanding Virginian Announcment Graphic

Dear John,

We all need something to look forward to! The planning for next year’s Commonwealth Dinner is already in full swing and we are eager to share some exciting news with you. The 19th Annual Commonwealth Dinner will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2022 so go ahead and mark your calendars.

I know that we are all eager to be together again in-person, but with the continued rise of COVID-19 cases, we have to be cautious in our planning. We are currently considering all options and are working with a team of professionals to develop an engaging format for the evening. We will share more details with you by the beginning of the new year, but rest assured, we will have a great time no matter if we’re in-person or online!

One of the most important parts of the Commonwealth Dinner is celebrating the individuals and groups who have made an impact on LGBTQ equality. You have the opportunity to nominate leaders in Virginia's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and allied community who will be recognized as our new class of OUTstanding Virginians. Follow the link below to nominate your OUTstanding Virginian.

Past individuals and organizations have ranged from grassroots advocates to elected officials who have helped to meet the needs of the LGBTQ community at the local and statewide levels. Our OUTstanding Virginians consistently go above and beyond for the LGBTQ community and have helped to create a safer and more welcoming Commonwealth. 

Check out our 2021 OUTstanding Virginians video here and be sure to submit your nominations by Thursday, October 28th

We hope you will join us as we honor these remarkable Virginians and help us celebrate the many incredible victories you all have made possible. 

Yours for equality,

Mario Guevara
Development & Operations Coordinator

Equality Virginia
PO Box 17860 | Richmond, VA 23226-7860
t. 804.643.4816
[email protected]

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