Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that Elaine Chao, who has served in some of the highest positions in the federal government, including Secretary of Labor, and most recently Secretary of Transportation, is the latest entry in our popular series of Champion Women profiles.

IWF has had a long relationship with Elaine. She is a former board member and IWF’s second Woman of Valor in 2005.

Elaine has a killer resume and she can also boast a great American story. She was 8 when she made the 37-day journey crossing to the U.S. in a cargo ship. She had been born in Taiwan and spoke not a word of English. You’ll love the story of how she learned English (we won’t spoil it for you!).

We caught up with our former board member when she said she was “decompressing.” Which by most people’s standards sounds pretty busy: helping her 94-year-old father with his philanthropic activities, serving on boards, pursuing policy interests through a think tank, and being on the speaker’s circuit. We talked to her about her career, her family, and her unabashed love for her adopted state of Kentucky.

You already know a lot about Elaine Chao’s achievements and we know you’ll enjoy this look at the remarkable lady behind the resume.


Charlotte Hays
Cultural Director
Independent Women's Forum