Sirhan Sirhan should have been executed. Instead he is given parole. Of course, it's what leftists do - reward Islamic terror.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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HORROR: Palestinian Who MURDERED Robert F. Kennedy Is Granted PAROLE in California
Sirhan Sirhan should have been executed. Instead he is given parole. Of course, it's what leftists do – reward Islamic terror.

Assassin of Robert F. Kennedy Granted Parole in California U.S. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin was granted ...

House GOP Introduces Articles of IMPEACHMENT Against Secretary of State Blinken
What about Biden? Rice? Powers? Milley? Austin?

The whole illegitimate administration  should be tried for treason.

BREAKING: House GOP Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Secretary of State Blinken

Republicans in the House of ...

ELECTION FRAUD: Facebook Is Planning to Form an Election Commission
He must be stopped.


Report: Emails Show Biden Campaign Demanding Facebook Censor Posts on Election Integrity
DARK MONEY: Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Hit with Election Lawsuit That Enabled Fraud in Key States
Report: ...

WOW! Former California Democratic Senate Leader Endorses Larry Elder In Recall Election Against Gov. Newsom
This is a battle for the survival of the country and a government bu the people, for the people.


The Gavin Newsom Recall Undermines The Democratic Party’s Plans To Californicate America
UNHINGED Los Angeles Times On Larry ...

Texas House Advances Election Integrity Bill After AWOL Democrats Forced to Return
The number one enemy of the party of treason and despotism is free and fair elections., Expect bloody pushback.

Texas House Advances Election Reform Bill After Democrats End Holdout

By Zachary Stieber, August 27, 2021 Updated: August 27, ...

‘Vast Majority’ of Incoming 100,000 Afghans ‘Rendered No Meaningful Assistance’ To U.S. Forces
Democrat party, enemy of the people, are importing a hsotlie invading force. The terrible consequences will be as bad and bloody, if not worse, than the terror attacks we saw in Europe after the hijra.

Asked by Watters whether he trusts the ...

DeSantis Orders Biden to Stop Immigrant Resettlement
Mass immigration is a grave security threat to this country. Trump was right.

DeSantis Orders Biden to Stop Immigrant Resettlement

The border crisis dispersing illegal aliens around he nation

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is ...

Supreme Court Orders ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy Reinstated
The Supreme Court just handed the Biden Administration another defeat. The Biden Administration cancelled all of President Trump's boarder policies, and  released hundreds of thousands of migrants from Central America into the United States. They ...

Islamo-leftists: “Talibans are our brothers”
The Canadian Minister of Women and Gender Equality, Maryam Monsef, spoke at a press conference on Wednesday, August 25, about the crisis in Afghanistan. She is a member of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party. In reference to the Taliban, ...

23 California School-Kids Stranded in Afghanistan after Summer Trip
Only our left-wing Dept of Education would send our children to Afghanistan and then, leave them there.

23 California Students Stuck in Afghanistan after Summer Trip

By Emily Crane, NY Post, August 25, 2021:

Nearly two dozen California ...

Taliban WHIPPING, LASHING People in Streets For Wearing ‘Westernized’ Clothing And ‘Disrespecting Islam’
In accordance with the Quran.

And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers ...

Pelosi Uses ‘Women’s Equality Day’ In San Fransisco To Avoid American Bloodshed/Mass Death In Afghanistan
As American Marines were being killed in Afghanistan, Pelosi spoke at one of her meaningless vanity events in San Francisco. A completely tone deaf and appalling statement. Especially since she supports Islamic law (sharia), the most brutal and ...

‘Trust Not In Princes’: The Ruling Class Lights Dumpster Fire After Dumpster Fire
There is hope – here are seven important developments that can turn the war in our favor…….

‘Trust Not In Princes’: 7 Reasons For Hope While The Ruling Class Lights Dumpster Fire After Dumpster Fire

Enlist in your local Cajun ...

Huawei Gets U.S. Approvals To Buy Auto Chips, Sparking Outrage
Joe Biden just approved licenses for the Chinese Communist Party's spy agency to buy auto chips, expanding their ability to conduct espionage & surveillance.

Another shocking and dangerous America last decision by the Biden Administration. The ...

Israel Accelerating Operational Plans To Take Action Against Iran – IDF chief Kohavi
Israel will never allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon. No matter how much the Biden Administration appeases Iran. You think things are bad in the Middle East now? Just wait.

Related – Gantz: Iran is two months away from nuclear bomb ...

Supreme Court STRIKES DOWN Biden’s Evictions Moratorium
It's awful that it wasn't 9-0, given the Constitution and the law.

The lawsuit was brought by a coalition of businessmen and women, the most persecuted minority in the United States.

U.S. Supreme Court ends CDC's pandemic residential ...

Belgium: Internal Email Warns Police Of Jihadis That Could Arrive Among Afghan Refugees
The majority of terror attacks in Europe (Paris, London, Brussels et al) were the acts of Muslim terrorists who exploited the mass  migration out of Islamic countries.

The Democrats have so weaponized and destroyed American intel agencies that ...


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