
After a great few weeks on the road in West Virginia, my weekly newsletter is back, and there’s a lot to report. Keep scrolling for the latest from the U.S. Senate this week, and click here or the image below to watch my weekly video message. 


Wild and Wonderful West Virginia

I spent the first two weeks of October back home in West Virginia, which was great! I had the chance to visit with constituents from all across our state and hear about how the work we’re doing in Congress is affecting them. From ways programs in our state are playing a role in creating drug-free communities, to how industry professionals and community leaders are working to increase tourism in our state, it was great to hear so many stories and ideas. What’s important to West Virginians is important to me, and this feedback is critical as I continue to advocate for West Virginia priorities in Washington. Click here or the image below to watch a quick recap of my visits around our beautiful state.


Advocating for West Virginia Priorities

Earlier this week, Senate Democrats’ introduced a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act to overturn the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) Rule—a commonsense alternative to the Obama-era Clean Power Plan (CPP). West Virginians know all too well how devastating the Clean Power Plan would have been to our energy economy. That’s why I strongly supported the ACE Rule as an alternative, because it allows states and energy producers to reduce emissions at an achievable pace without cutting back on jobs or economic growth. That’s also why I voted against the Democrats’ effort to block the ACE Rule, which would have meant a revival of the devastating Clean Power Plan. West Virginians don’t have to choose between a clean environment and a thriving economy. We demand both; and with the ACE Rule, we can achieve both. Click here to read my full statement and click the image below to watch my floor remarks urging my colleagues to vote against this resolution.

Also on Wednesday, I advocated for our West Virginia miners on the Senate floor where I again urged my colleagues in Congress to act soon to protect the pensions of our nation’s retired coal miners. I have worked in a bipartisan way with others in the delegation, as well as my colleagues here in the Senate over the past several years to support legislation that stabilizes the mine worker pension fund and protects these men and women. These hardworking men and women deserve the pensions that they were promised, and we should make sure they receive the benefits they earned by passing legislation to protect their pensions this year. Click here or the image above to watch my full remarks on this.

How Can We Help?

Whether you need help with a casework issue or have a question about scheduling a meeting at one of my offices, my staff and I are ready to assist you. Learn more about the services we offer at

You can also submit your feedback and share your stories with me by visiting my “Share Your Stories” webpage here:

Calling All Students!

Last week, I posted my internship applications for spring 2020. If you want a hands-on experience in public service, check it out! Applications are due December 6. More details on my website here:

Social Media Recap











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Shelley Moore Capito
United States Senator