The chart shows our fundraising has decreased significantly throughout the summer, and now it’s at an all-time low.
We have an important chart to show you from our campaign’s ActBlue account:

This isn’t the email or chart we wanted to send you today, but we’re always going to be transparent and truthful with you – even if it isn’t good news. The chart shows our fundraising has decreased significantly throughout the summer, and now it’s at an all-time low.
To keep Ro in Congress, we need your support. We don’t take any corporate PAC money, and our average donation this month is just $13.84. We’ve been working hard, but our fundraising numbers aren’t keeping up with the power of our movement.
We can’t let this downward fundraising trend continue if we’re going to keep Ro in Congress and continue to win progressive change. Can you chip in today to help us get our fundraising back on track? We need to raise an additional $10,000 by August 31.
Let us be clear: we’re not telling you this to scare you into donating. We’re not going to pretend the sky is falling. And we’re never going to sacrifice our values in the name of raising money.
But with the 2022 midterms coming up next year, we need to use this time to grow our base, strengthen our movement, and show the world that our grassroots movement has what it takes to continue the progressive fight in Congress.
If you can afford it, could you please make a contribution of any size today? Your donation will allow Ro to focus on fighting for working families, instead of worrying about reaching our end-of-month goal.
Thanks for your support,
Ro Khanna HQ