All around the country, WFP activists and members are working hard to stand up to obstructionist corporate Democrats and deliver jobs, care, and climate action for people like you.
But as we gear up for a showdown in Congress against corporate Democrats and the special interests that bankroll them, we want to make sure we understand your priorities, John, and the priorities of WFP supporters everywhere. And it's been a while since we've heard from you.
So today, we’re launching our Official August 2021 WFP Supporter Survey. By taking just a few minutes now to let us learn what matters to you, you’ll help us know where to put our time and resources going forward. Click here to take the survey now.
Take the survey
When we say that your voice makes a difference, we mean it, John — our staff will be reading every single response and carefully considering them as we plan for the coming months.
We want to hear your feelings about the continuing pandemic, your ideas for organizing around police violence, your joys and frustrations with the current administration. We want to know which leaders in your community you’d like to see us support. And we want to learn how you take action, and how we can help you get involved going forward.
Your feedback is so valuable, John. Will you take a few minutes to share it with us now?
Take the survey
In solidarity,
Team WFP

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).