This could be the moment where We the People decide if American democracy lives or dies. We need you now more than ever, Friend.
President Trump has repeatedly exploited his office for his own gain. He has abused his power, using military aid to pressure Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 elections. And now, he’s obstructing the House’s legitimate investigation into his actions -- putting himself above the law and undermining the checks and balances that keep our democracy alive.
We can’t sit idly by anymore. Congress MUST act, and the only way to make that happen is with the persistent -- and powerful -- force of organized citizen action.
You see, Congress can counter Trump’s crusade against legitimate oversight by holding EVERY White House official who ignores subpoenas or refuses to testify “in contempt” -- a serious procedure that can result in fines and even jail time. But our representatives won’t wield this crucial power until they have the full, outspoken support of constituents like you and me.
That’s why Common Cause is gearing up to mobilize millions of Americans -- united in defense of the principles our country was built on -- to demand that Congress does its constitutional duty. We’ll send activists in state after state right to representatives’ offices, urging them to use every last tool they've got to hold the Trump administration accountable.
Common Cause members like you helped ramp up the pressure on the U.S. House for months to start an impeachment inquiry. But Friend, starting the inquiry is just the beginning.
We have always held power accountable, but this may be our highest-stakes fight in our entire 50-year history. We were on the frontlines during Watergate -- so we know how monumental an effort this will be. But our democracy is worth fighting for, and I simply can’t imagine doing anything less.
I’m asking every Common Cause member to help put a STOP to Trump’s crusade against the rule of law. We simply can’t do this without you, Friend -- will you step up and chip in today?
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There’s still important work ahead of us -- but I’m simply amazed at how far we’ve already come.
Together, we spoke out loudly and clearly to demand that Congress launch an impeachment inquiry into President Trump -- and now, the investigation has begun AND a majority of the U.S. House is on record in support of it. That major progress simply couldn’t have happened without you.
We’ll be counting on your help to keep the pressure on -- and ask every member of Congress: will you remain silent in the face of a president who disdains our democratic norms, institutions, and laws? Or will you defend the values that unite us as Americans?
Your action in the coming days will make all the difference. Together, we will mobilize our people power to make sure nobody -- not even the president -- is above the law.
In common cause,
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause