Thank you for your continued interest in Humanity United. We value our relationship with you. This monthly newsletter was created with you in mind, to better engage and inform you about HU’s work to cultivate conditions for enduring peace and freedom. We also want to regularly share news from and about our many dedicated partners around the world. Our hope is that this newsletter is educational as well as inspiring, and we welcome your feedback, including ideas and features for future newsletters.

Like many of you, we are deeply distressed by the current events in Afghanistan and Haiti and our thoughts are with all those who are impacted. We are monitoring the situations and are committed to supporting our affected partners. As the situation in Afghanistan evolves, we encourage you to read this Twitter thread from The Fuller Project, which highlights first-hand accounts of what’s happening on the ground with Afghan journalists in Kabul.


This spotlight story in TIME, published in partnership with Rukhshana Media, an Afghan women’s media organization, and HU partner The Fuller Project, sheds harrowing light on what the situation in Afghanistan means for women.

The Guardian and Rukhshana Media launched the "Women report Afghanistan” series, which brings reporting and photography by Afghan women journalists from across the country on stories they believe need to be told about the situation women and girls are facing. 

Global Investigative Journalism Network developed a resource for ways to help journalists and others at risk in Afghanistan. The resource is available in both Dari and Pashto.

Migrant worker and labor rights advocate Malcolm Bidali has been allowed to leave Qatar after being accused of spreading “false information” and paying a large fine. He reflects on his experience at and calls for action to protect workers’ rights to tell their stories.

“In the State Department Trafficking in Persons Report this year, I finally saw stories of LGBTQ survivors, and even a profile of a male survivor. This is a start, but it’s not enough.” Jose Alfaro, Advisor to The Human Trafficking Legal Center, wrote in a powerful op-ed for Boston Globe.

Open Apparel Registry’s latest report, “From Opaque to Open: Untangling Apparel Supply Chains with Open Data,” shares stories of impact and lessons learned though building and growing the Registry to open up supply chain data for the benefit of all.

TIIP Insights, in partnership with HU and UBS Optimus Foundation, has launched this brief survey aimed at those in the investment and financial services industries, in order to identify the specific information, tools, and resources that investors need to help address systemic social issues and manage their impacts on investment.


HU Managing Partner Srik Gopal recently authored a blog for Council on Foundations exploring why trust in philanthropy is important, and the actions foundations can take to build trusting relationships.


Katrina Gordon, HU Manager for Forced Labor & Human Trafficking, recently had a conversation with Good Business Lab co-founder and CEO Anant Ahuja on safer and fairer futures for vulnerable workers.


HU Senior Advisor for Policy & Government Relations Maria Kisumbi represented HU at the 2021 Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa. She led a discussion on "Human and Drug Trafficking in Africa: Unlocking Human Freedom." 

This month, we joined our colleagues in the field of human rights and peacebuilding in signing on to various letters to the U.S. Government urging action in Afghanistan. You can read these letters here, here, here, and here.


HU Managing Director Melanie Greenberg will join donors, investors, and foundation leaders at the Innovate Philanthropy Symposium from September 8-10 to discuss partnerships, equity, and social justice in philanthropy. Melanie will lead the Peacebuilding cluster on September 8, in conversation with Maria Victoria Llorenta, Executive Director of Fundacíon Ideas para la Paz in Colombia. Register to attend here.

On Wednesday, September 8th, HU Director Ame Sagiv will join Oceana, World Wildlife Fund, and other experts for a virtual media roundtable on tackling illegal fishing and forced labor in the seafood sector. Register here to join the conversation.

Register to join the Freedom Fund’s second webinar in a series exploring the nexus between modern slavery and environmental destruction on Tuesday, September 7th. HU’s Ame Sagiv will join a panel of experts in a discussion on overfishing and labor abuses in the fishing industry.


We’re hiring for a Strategy, Learning & Impact Associate! If you have a passion for the field of measurement and learning in human rights or international development, then we’d love for you to apply to join our team. For more details, please visit our website.

In this episode of the Finding Humanity podcast, The Elders explore the abusive system of forced labor, looking at global trends and factors that perpetuate this industry as well as ways to better protect the rights of workers.

The Australian Senate recently passed a bill banning the imports of products made using forced labor, allowing it to move to the country’s House of Representatives. Learn more.

The Women, Peace and Security Agenda is more important than ever. On Tuesday, August 31 at 9:30am EST, The International Peace Institute (IPI) in partnership with the Governments of Sweden, South Africa, the United States, and Kenya will hold a virtual event on “Ensuring Protection for Full and Equal Participation in Peacebuilding and Political Spaces.” The event will be streamed live on IPI’s website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The Wellbeing Project has launched a learning group called the Defenders' Wellbeing Collective (DWC). The DWC is a space for global leaders of grassroots, community, and survivor-led human rights organizations to reflect, experiment, share, and learn together about how best to support greater wellbeing and resilience within their organizations. Check out their concept note for more information, or apply in EnglishSpanish, or French. The deadline is September 20. DWC covers all participant costs.

Are you a non-profit funder? We’ve teamed up with our colleagues at the Feedback Incentives Learning Group to launch a short survey about how foundations make space for non-profits to listen to the people they ultimately seek to serve. If you're a funder, consider filling out this short survey before the new September 3rd deadline.
We want to end this month's newsletter by remembering our former colleague, Sheldon Wardwell. Sheldon was on staff with HU from May to November 2013, making his mark as a beloved friend of HU. This beautiful memorial was originally posted by Nonviolent Peaceforce and does a wonderful job of honoring his life – gone too soon, but never forgotten.
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Not all of the content mentioned in this newsletter was funded by HU.
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