
This summer our Toxic Tour has taken action across the country to pressure Senators to pass S1, the For the People Act, and SAVE our democracy!

And with the Senate on recess we’re not letting up one bit. In fact, because of the pressure from activists around the country, Senators are expected to take up the For the People Act as the first order of business when they return to Washington, DC - and with your help, we’ll be taking action to make sure they do whatever it takes to get it done.

But first, we wanted to take a moment to look back at how far we’ve come together. It’s only because of the support of activists and members like YOU that we’ve come this far!

If you like what we’re doing, chip in a small donation to keep us going. It’s only because of activists and small donors like you that we’re able to keep our campaigns up.

Then, check out just a few of our actions from the summer below, and join in to take action:

Rallying to pass S1 with Senator Jeff Merkley in Washington, DC!

Rallying with Senator Elizabeth Warren to Pass S1!

CALLING OUT Republican Senator Pat Toomey!

Demanding voting rights as part of #DeadlineForDemocracy!

Calling on Senators to END the filibuster!

Calling out Texas Senators on local TV!

Standing with Texas House Democrats and calling on Senators to Pass S1!

CALLING OUT Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz for SELLING OUT our democracy!

Calling on West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin to pass S1: “SENATOR MANCHIN, PASS S1!!”

And that’s just the start! The Toxic Tour is HAZMAT America’s signature campaign to call out the corrupt interests contaminating our democracy, and rally for reform! Featuring America’s only anti-corruption superhero Cleanup Carl, we’re showing up wherever there’s corruption, and DEMANDING action to pass reform!

This summer we’ve been traveling the country to rally for S1, the For the People Act, and SAVE our democracy! 

Click to join the Toxic Tour and bring Cleanup Carl to your state!

And with your support we won’t stop until the Senate takes action! We’re making sure our message gets heard: Senators MUST do whatever it takes to pass the For the People Act, including abolishing or reforming the filibuster. If they don’t, we’ll call them out in the biggest, loudest way possible. If you can, will you chip in $5, $10, or $25 to keep us going?

It’s time for Senators to choose a side: Saving our democracy, or toxic corruption. 

Thank you for all you do,

-HAZMAT America 



Your support keeps us 100% grassroots funded and focused on fighting the toxic forces corrupting our democracy. If you think you have received this email in error, please reply to let us know.

HAZMAT America

1701 K Street NW, Suite 750

Washington, DC 20006

United States


Paid for by HAZMAT America LLC • Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee •
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