Good afternoon friend,


This is the calm before the storm. We are on the brink of the most intense, most sustained stretch of campaigning Dignity in Dying has ever attempted - and you have a vital role to play. 


We are in the unprecedented position of campaigning for law change in both Westminster and Holyrood at the same time. The Assisted Dying Bill in the House of Lords and the proposals soon to be launched in the Scottish Parliament will need stewarding through their respective Parliaments. They need high-profile press, ad campaigns, and behind-the-scenes influencing. They need creative, attention-grabbing tactics to tell the stories of dying people and their families. 


But most of all - they need you. Momentum is on our side and we need to be able to capitalise on it. If you can, please join as a member today and power the campaign for a safe, fair, compassionate assisted dying law. 



In the next month alone we’re expecting the launch of a public consultation in Scotland - the first step towards the legalisation of assisted dying in the Scottish Parliament and the chance for all Scots to have their say. 


The British Medical Association will also finally be debating the results of last year’s survey which showed that doctors were more than ready for a change in the BMA’s position from opposed to neutral. 


We’ll also be gearing up for the Second Reading - the first real debate - of the Assisted Dying Bill in the House of Lords so do keep an eye out for exciting developments and opportunities to get involved. 


If you’ve been thinking about whether to join as a member - now is the time. We need to be able to throw everything at these efforts to pave the way to victory.  



Have a great weekend. Rest-up, recharge - and we’ll see you in the Autumn. 


All the best, 


Sadie Kempner

Dignity in Dying


P.S.  It’s been a hard 18 months and not everyone will be in a position to donate right now. Even if you can’t become a member there will be a host of other ways to get involved in the coming weeks - just watch this space. 



Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:


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