New Report: Homeowners lose 92% of their equity in unlawful foreclosure process


When Geraldine Tyler, a 92-year-old widow, moved out of her Minneapolis condo to an apartment in a safer neighborhood, she didn’t know she could lose tens of thousands of dollars in equity she had saved up in her home.

Unfortunately, Geraldine isn’t the only victim of the unlawful scheme that enriches local governments at the expense of Minnesota homeowners.

While she fights back in court, PLF examined the system and found that when homes are foreclosed to pay property tax debts, Minnesota homeowners lose an average of 92% of their homes’ equity.

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The Hill: Biden’s economic reform ought to consider certificate of need, too

President Biden recently called on the federal government to increase competition in the U.S. economy as a way of boosting wages, increasing employment, and allowing people to move between jobs. One of his biggest targets was occupational licensing—a hot topic, thanks to egregious examples such as states requiring thousands of hours of training and hundreds of dollars in fees just to get a license to blow-dry hair.

Absent from Biden’s executive order was any mention of a special kind of licensing law called a certificate of need (CON). As Anastasia Boden and Mollie Riddle explain, these laws have nothing to do with a person’s qualifications; their avowed purpose is to keep out competition and must be included in any serious discussion about competition and economic opportunity.

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New Orleans TV features Louisiana landlords’ challenge to CDC eviction moratorium

Luke Wake appeared on Fox 8 (New Orleans) this week to discuss Louisiana landlords’ federal lawsuit to end the CDC’s eviction ban.

The appearance came on the heels of the landlords’ request of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals for an immediate injunction on the eviction ban while their case is argued in court.


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