58 years after the first March on Washington and Dr. MLK’s iconic speech, the fight for the dream continues

Hey friend, did you know that this week marks the 58th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech and the first March on Washington? 

That iconic speech before the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., wasn’t the first time Dr. King described his dream, though. A year prior, MLK Jr. delivered a speech at a North Carolina high school just down the road from my hometown of Raleigh, NC, in which he said the following lines: 

"I have a dream tonight. One day my little daughter and my two sons will grow up in a world not conscious of the color of their skin but only conscious of the fact that they are members of the human race.”

As a North Carolinian, I love that Dr. King’s legacy is a part of my state’s history as well. Slightly different words from those that rang across the Reflection Pool 58 years ago, same truth: We need a democracy and an economy that truly works for all people. It’s a truth for which all of us must continue fighting. 

I’ve long said that when working together, the people are greater than any problem or challenge we face. Dr. King’s dream of collective, community action for the better could not feel more relevant as we approach the 58th anniversary of the historic March on Washington where “I Have A Dream” rang out. On Saturday, August 28th, the March On for Washington and Voting Rights will take place in Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Miami, Phoenix, and across the country as we fight to protect voting rights and demand that Congress act by passing federal voting rights legislation.

Please -- help me spread the word about these marches!

Visit marchonforvotingrights.org for more information about the Marches and to find an activation in your community 

Text MARCH to 89799 to receive updates, including day-of information, for the D.C. March On For Washington from Just Democracy 

In solidarity, 


712 H Street NE Suite 1571
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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