Emergency! He's back in the hospital -- and needs critical cancer treatment!

The vet is shocked. We’re shocked… Our beloved Brando’s skin cancer has returned, friend.


It’s the worst case of chronic skin cancer we’ve ever seen. And it’s putting Brando’s life is at risk.


If we don’t give him the MOST advanced treatment available, the risk is his cancer will spread … and Brando could die.


His only hope is expensive cryotherapy to remove the cancerous masses on his face and ears. It could save his life.


PLEASE. This is Brando we’re talking about, and he needs you now. Make your emergency gift to help pay for Brando’s cancer treatment and other critical care!


Brando was rescued as a baby pig after he fell off a transport truck on his way to be slaughtered. I’d like to think he jumped for his life!


Now he’s fighting for his life…again. He’s been in the hospital for over a week.


Two years ago, Brando had skin cancer removed from the base of his ears, and earlier this year, he needed masses removed from his ears and face.


We have done EVERYTHING we could to help Brando. He gets expensive skin cream on his ears EVERY DAY to prevent sunburn and plenty of shade.


He’s had surgeries. We tried electro-chemotherapy. We were hoping he’d get better after the last treatments …


But the news is just awful. The doctors can’t believe how quickly his cancer has returned. If he doesn’t get this treatment NOW, we could lose him!


Please help pay for Brando’s emergency cancer treatment now!


If we can give Brando this cryotherapy now … plus diagnostics, meds, and the follow-up treatment and care he’ll need … there is still a chance we can knock out his cancer, and he’ll be with us a long time!


He’s in the hospital now. We’re all thinking about him and visiting him to keep his spirits up. We’re hoping he’ll be back home soon …


But as soon as he’s back, we’ll have a BIG hospital bill to pay that we will need to pay before the end of the month!


Medical costs are higher than ever. Vet bills have DOUBLED this year! And it’s not just Brando who needs care. In fact, his friend Thelma Lou is sharing his hospital room!

So many animals to care for, and we must raise funds for all of them.


So, I’m turning to you, now. I know it’s hard to place a value on any life. But when you’ve known an animal nearly his whole life, the way we’ve all known Brando, you just have to fight for him.


This treatment could give him additional years of health. But we have to pay for it. The bill is coming. We need your help!




Susan Hartland

Executive Director

Full Circle Farm Sanctuary


P.S. This is the worst case of skin cancer we’ve ever seen on a pig. The vet can’t believe how fast it’s come back. This surgery can save Brando’s life, but we have to pay the bill. WE NEED YOUR HELP URGENTLY. Make your emergency gift now to help pay for Brando’s cancer treatment. THANK YOU!  

Full Circle Farm Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.
961 White House Parkway, Warm Springs, GA 31830
EIN: 36-4735749