It has been a little under two weeks since the close of the final session of the 2021 Young Democrats of America National Convention.
Dear Young Democrat,
It has been a little under two weeks since the close of the final session of the 2021 Young Democrats of America (YDA) National Convention. Once again, we want to thank all the fantastic organizers from the Ohio and Kentucky Young Democrats, and all those who were able to participate.
For many of us, this Convention was the first opportunity in nearly 18 months to connect in person with other activists who share our collective passions to make a positive difference in our world and move this party forward. As the new and returning National Officers of YDA undertake the transition process, we are continuing to use our energy, passion, and drive to ensure the success of YDA and its members stays top of mind.
That being said, we send this email both as a message of welcome and a general update on where we are in the early stages of the critical work YDA needs to be the impactful organization we all deserve.
Your National Officers
For those who may not have received any previous communication from YDA, we would like to introduce the 2021-2022 National Officers. At our National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, we elected the following seven officers to serve in leadership positions:
President: Quentin Wathum-Ocama of Minnesota
Executive Vice President: Terri Chapman of Alabama
1st Vice President: Kolby Duhon of Texas
2nd Vice President: Nnedi Stephens of Nevada
3rd Vice President: Dunixi Guereca of California
Secretary: Arielle Brandy of Indiana
Treasurer: Mohammed Tazbir Akber Alam of New York
These newly elected officers are joined by:
Democratic National Committee Representative: Jamarr Brown of Texas
Democratic National Committee Representative: Christen Hebrard of California
Chair of the Association of Chartered Unit Presidents: Charles Myers of Wisconsin
Chair of the Council of Region Directors: Hannah Wroblewski of Nebraska
And while it is great to know our names, roles, and where we are from, we also want you to know a little more about who we are, our lived experiences, and why we’re in this fight with you. We encourage you to take some time and learn more about us at
General Update
Since Convention, the National Officers have begun working on many critical tasks and items in concert with outgoing Committee Chairs, previous appointees, and individuals tasked with supporting YDA during this transition period. Some of those things include:
The onboarding of new digital tools (like Action Network).
Creating and sending a post-convention survey.
Beginning the development of both internal and external communication strategies.
Developing liaison and portfolio assignments for National Officers.
Beginning the development of crafting RFPs for YDA’s tech and human resources needs.
Early discussions around the bidding process for the next National Conference.
Fundraising and Financial Sustainability Development.
Additionally, the National Officers are working to ensure YDA brings in the talent it needs to sustain this organization (see below).
Ad-Hoc Committees, Task Forces, and Appointments
There is a lot of critical work YDA must undertake to become an organization grounded in sustainability, leadership, and intentionality - which is why we are forming several Ad-Hoc Committees and Task Forces to begin the work YDA needs to be both impactful and meaningful to our membership. Accordingly, YDA is forming the following entities:
Modernization of the Charter, Bylaws, and Standing Rules Committee
Mission and Value Statement Creation Committee
COVID-19 Health Protocols Review& Future Recommendations Committee
Communications and Digital Publication Task Force
Each of these entities will work toward strengthening the foundation of YDA. We encourage anyone interested in applying to complete the interest form by Labor Day (September 6th). You can also find a description of what each Ad-Hoc Committee will do here.
This week, the National Officers are also working to finalize position duties, applications, and accountability metrics for YDA Appointed Officer and Committee appointments. Therefore, we are hopeful the next time you receive communication from YDA, you will be provided with information on how to apply and expectations on the interview and appointment process.
Future Communication Updates
As the transition from one administration to the next continues, we hope we can continue to provide our wider membership with updates on progress along with additional opportunities for engagement. As National Officers, we want to make sure we are giving general updates, like this one, on a biweekly basis to be both transparent and keep you up to date when it comes to all things YDA.
We are also in the process of creating accessible digital tools and resources that will keep our members up to date on important happenings within YDA, and allow for our National Committee Members to have the necessary information to be effective and impactful advocates. We look forward to providing you with more information and details in our next update.
Closing Thoughts
We recognize so much is on the line right now - issues like voting rights, student debt, and the climate crisis have all reached a critical point. As Young Democrats, we must meet the obstacles to change and progress at every level of power. As we look to build a YDA that can meet the challenges of our modern world, we ask that we all practice a little grace, patience, and understanding. Together we can and will accomplish some truly amazing things.
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