We can see just how powerful grassroots advocacy can be in our communities, and just how ready Texas voters are for true progressive change.

Ground Game Texas

Friend, right now, the current political system in Texas does not work for us.

Our multi-millionaire state politicians continue to prioritize their corporate interests while disregarding important issues that Texans face every day. And the result? Our needs are not being met, our infrastructure is crumbling, and our politics remain out-of-touch.

Ground Game Texas is moving full speed ahead to mobilize progressive voters and put popular issues on Texas ballots to combat this broken system. City by city, town by town, we’re using popular issues to engage voters of every age and background and providing the tools and resources needed to help build our progressive momentum.

And this hard work can’t slow down now, friend. That’s why we’re aiming to raise an additional $8,000 in grassroots support by the end of August to make sure our movement can keep pace with our plans. If you are able, please chip in today to help us reach this important end-of-month goal.

Contribute $5

We’ve already seen just how powerful grassroots advocacy can be in our communities, and just how ready Texas voters are for true progressive change. Our outreach teams hit the ground running every day, providing voter education and resources to as many potential voters as possible because we know progressive ideas are winning ideas.

Through year-round voter contact and local campaigns, we’re working to gain signatures and build momentum around key issues like protecting workers, raising wages, and legalizing weed. And just as importantly, we’re working to bring as many new voters into our elections as possible.

Team Ground Game Texas is committed to keeping up this transformative work, but we need your help to continue growing this momentum, friend. The only way that we’re going to see the change that Texas needs is by working together to make sure that all of our voices are heard — not just those monopolizing the power and prioritizing corporate donors.

The fight to engage voters, combat voter suppression, and truly transform our election systems needs to be a collective effort. Please chip in today to help us reach our $8,000 August goal. Whether it’s $5, $10, or $50, each and every dollar helps strengthen our organizing efforts and set our movement up for success.

Thank you for your continued support,

Team Ground Game Texas