Just posted:Genocidal and Deadly Serious: Dan Patrick, Texas Fascist Lunatic Scapegoats Black People for the Pandemic by Coco Das
...The Republi-fascists overseeing the state have caused a surge in
COVID-19 cases at a time when vaccines and mask-wearing can greatly
reduce the number of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. The
fascist trinity at the head of the state government – Governor Greg
Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and Attorney General Ken Paxton
– have thrown every roadblock they can in the way of a healthy,
scientific response to this pandemic...
Matthew Hoh: Afghanistan & the End of an Unjust War
Tamara Anderson on Teach Truth Days of Action
Uploaded August 22, 2021: Sam Goldman interviews Matthew Hoh, former Marine and State Department official who served in and then was
the first to resign over the unjust war in Afghanistan all the way back
in 2009, and speaks with Tamara Anderson, about the upcoming Teach Truth Days of Action, a project of the Zinn Education Project happening August 27 – 29.

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>> Transcript for those who prefer to read
Matthew Hoh: What’s occurring is, I think
the inevitable consequences of the US policy in Afghanistan, not just in
the last 20 years, but over the last 40 years… Going into Afghanistan
was not about protecting the American people, it was about preserving
the dignity of the American Empire. It was about making sure no one else
would rise up against the American Empire. It was about protecting the
credibility of the American Empire… The level of devastation for the
Afghan people is unimaginable. The suffering is unimaginable… You don’t
think a catastrophe can get much worse, and then you see what has
Sam Goldman: From day one, the invasion and occupation has had everything to do with
the growth of American fascism. Fascism is a qualitative change in the
form of rule. It is something that we came horrifically close to in the
last few years. But it didn’t come out of nowhere. If we are to confront
the fascist threat looming large today, it’s imperative to deepen our
understanding of how Bush’s crusade or doctrine of endless war on the
world with torture and assassination out in the open, along with the
creation of DHS and exponential ramping up of the militarization of the
police. The unleashing a tsunami of American chauvinism, coupled with
anti Arab, anti Muslim and anti Asian hate, helped get us here.
We're sharing an interview with educator Tamara Anderson about the
upcoming Teach Truth Days of Action, a project of the Zinn Education
Project. #TeachTruth Days of Action August 27-29 Lawmakers in at least 28 states are attempting to pass legislation that would require teachers to lie to students
about the role of racism, sexism, heterosexism, and oppression
throughout U.S. history. In response, educators across the United
States are signing a pledge to teach truth.
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show, it’s simple. You can rate and review us on Apple podcast or your
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>> 2021: updated mission statement of
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