From Crispin Truman, CPRE <[email protected]>
Subject RE: John, please help persuade the government to make recycling BIGGER
Date October 19, 2019 7:46 AM
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Can you donate today to help us win a 'brownfield first' policy?

Dear John

A few weeks ago, I sent you an email about our campaign to persuade the
government to think BIGGER about recycling – by recognising that we need to
avoid single-use land as well as single-use plastics.

The good news is that at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester
recently, housing minister Esther McVey publicly agreed with CPRE’s research , which has proven that there is enough brownfield land available to
accommodate more than one million new homes.

This shows we’re making an impact. But we still have a long way to go to persuade government to implement a
national ‘brownfield first’ policy.

If you haven’t yet, please consider making a donation to this important

Donate today
[[link removed]]There’s more information on how your donation could help our campaign in my
original email below.

Best wishes,

Crispin Truman
Chief Executive | CPRE, the countryside charity


Dear John

Right now, movements like Extinction Rebellion are waking people up to the
urgent need to take better care of our environment and finite resources. With
your help, we can make the conversation about sustainability and recycling much
BIGGER – and help save the countryside we all need and love.

We want the government to understand that we must avoid single-use land as well
as single-use plastics.

The best way to do this is with a ‘brownfield first’ policy that ensures
previously developed land is recycled before our green spaces are even
considered for development.

That way, we can build the homes people need, where they need them, revitalising
our towns and cities - while also protecting our countryside.

We urgently need your help to win a ‘brownfield first’ policy.

Donate now to help us win
[[link removed]]We persuaded the government to commit to a ‘brownfield first’ policy back in
1998 and just 10 years later, almost 80% of new homes were being built on previously developed land. But it wasn’t to

In 2011, the coalition government decided to revoke that brilliant policy,
triggering a sharp decline in the number of homes built on brownfield land.

Now it's down to just 53%.

The decision to drop ‘brownfield first’ has been a disaster for our green fields
and for all of us. In 2017 alone, an area of countryside the size of Liverpool
was lost – countryside we all value for enriching our lives and the environment.

What’s really frustrating is that this scale of loss is unnecessary. We’ve
proved time and again that there’s enough brownfield land to accommodate one
million new homes, without losing a single green field.

This can’t go on. Will you help us win back a ‘brownfield first’ policy and
protect our countryside?

Donate now to back our campaign
[[link removed]]With the donation you send today we could:

* Gather vital evidence to power our campaign.

* Spark public demand to recycle brownfield land first.

* Persuade key decision makers in government to back our calls for a
‘brownfield first’ policy.

Click here to send a donation today
[[link removed]]Please send your donation right away.
[[link removed]] The public mood is to see real change on environmental issues – and fast. We
must take advantage of this momentum.

Together, we can persuade the government to bring back a ‘brownfield first’
policy NOW - to benefit our countryside and communities for generations to come.

We’ve done it before, let’s do it again. Thank you for helping to make the
government think BIGGER about our land and our future.

Best wishes,

Crispin Truman
Chief Executive | CPRE, the countryside charity

PS. Help persuade the government to recycle our land, not waste it – please send your donation today.
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CPRE campaigns for a better future for the countryside. We work locally and
nationally to protect, shape and enhance a beautiful, thriving countryside for
everyone to value and enjoy. Founded in 1926, we’re a grassroots organisation,
with more than 100 local groups, a branch in every county and 60,000 members and
supporters. CPRE is a registered charity (1089685) and a company registered in
England (4302973). CPRE holds and manages data in strict accordance with the
General Data Protection Regulation (2018). Please be assured we will never sell
or share your contact details with anyone outside of CPRE. Read our Privacy Policy
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