Be The Solution: Join City Hike from Sept 19 - Oct 9
Hi Supporter,
Today’s world faces some serious challenges: a warming climate, unprecedented levels of pollution, and racial, economic, and gender inequity to name a few. We have work to do, and the Sierra Club is bringing people together to get it done -- and it all starts with YOU!
2020 was the end of the hottest decade on record, and this summer, we’ve seen record-breaking heatwaves and wildfires. According to the UN’s recently released IPCC report, we must act now to cut carbon pollution in half in the next ten years and eliminate it altogether by 2050 to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
We’re in a climate crisis. We must make changes in the way we live, from where we get our energy to how we get from place to place. Are you ready to make a positive impact in your environment?
Hundreds of people across the nation are taking action and have signed up for City Hike.Here's how you can too:
Join the Hike: Sign up with a $35 registration donation to become a champion for change and participate in this year's City Hike.
Raise Critical Funds to advance the environmental, racial, economic, and gender justice initiatives of the Sierra Club.
Trek It! Grab your shoes, backpack, and route map and experience nearby nature while learning about local issues and seeing the impact of Sierra Club’s work in your city.
You can play an integral role in making a better tomorrow for your family and friends. Join Team Sierra’s Hike-A-Thon as we make the right choices now to shape our society’s direction and the health of our planet for decades to come.
Climate change and social inequity issues are people made problems, and they can be people solved! Join us as we seize our moment to make the world a better place.
We look forward to seeing you on the City Hike trail!