Dear Patriot, Are we going to live in a country
where we determine what goes into our own bodies or one where the government, Big Pharma lobbyists, and power-hungry politicians decide?
That question is certainly on the table in 2021.
I don’t know about you, but that sends a chill up my spine. There seems
to be no limit to what the COVID tyrants are at least willing to try on the public . . . to see what they’ll put up with!
Sadly, students in elementary through high school are getting the worst treatment of any age
group, with mask mandates just to attend class spreading like wildfire again from state to state and district to district.
Meanwhile the same mandates in many of these locations don’t exist for adults.
And it gets even worse than mask mandates for some students, like those who attend Eatonville High School in Washington
State, who were recently subjected to what sounds like a bizarre experiment. According to the
DailyMail: A Washington state public high school has been condemned for forcing student athletes to wear ankle
bracelets to help with COVID track and tracing efforts. Eatonville High School bought
the monitors, made by a company called Triax, for both coaches and students in high-contact and moderate-contact sports.
Students who play volleyball, basketball, football and soccer are required by the school to wear the device.
The 'TraceTag' has visual and audible sensors that alert students when they are too close to each other, while
also collecting contact-trace data. These innocent high schoolers were being treated like complete prisoners in their own school. And this plan was apparently done without
parental notification or approval! But there is some good news to report. When parents were
made aware of the draconian monitors being strapped to their children, they raised a ruckus. . . And as a result of the pushback,
Eatonville quickly shelved the program. But how long before this
“experiment” is repeated or proposed for the general public? Patriot, I think
it’s time to really push back harder -- just like those Eatonville parents did -- against these draconian “health” mandates.
It’s time for all of us to be very clear and say NO MORE.
So will you take our pledge? Click here to sign the personal pledge
to tell the medical tyrants in Washington D.C., your state, city, county, and even the corporate fascists at Big Pharma that YOU ARE DONE with their
COVID dictatorship. We also need your help right away with a rush
donation of $25, $50, $75, or MORE if you can afford it!
While some governors have fought against COVID tyranny, we are losing ground in many states. In
Virginia, former Governor and current Democrat candidate for his old job, Terry McAuliffe, told a crowd he wants every business in Virginia to mandate
the vaccine, and even wants to “make life difficult” for the unvaccinated to pressure them into getting the shot.
As if Americans, and the rest of the world for that matter, haven’t been through enough, someone who wants
to be the chief executive officer for a state wants to “make life difficult” for citizens because of their personal medical decision? I’m convinced now more than ever that it’s up to the people to stop complying, plain and
simple. Health mandates are not laws. And even laws are rendered unenforceable if the public
very vocally opposes them and stops complying. At Campaign for Liberty, we’ve
been screaming from the rooftops that you cannot negotiate with the medical tyranny, be it lockdowns or forced masking, because what
you’ll end up with is endless government mandates, like an unknown number of Big Pharma jabs, unrelenting forced masking, and vaccine passports,
just to participate in society. Well, here we are. Millions of Americans in places like New
York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, plus an escalating number of others across our country, must now get the rushed and STILL experimental
COVID shots or they’re going to be locked out of much of their lives. There are
plenty of examples of a remnant of people fighting back, not complying, and even winning their battles with the COVID dictatorship, even without
scores of others doing the same. Just imagine what would happen if NOBODY complied --
this crisis would be over quickly. Just as my son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), said
recently -- “they can’t arrest us all.” When a U.S. Senator is telling the
public that it’s time for non-compliance with health mandates . . . it’s probably time!
After the FDA’s so-called “approval” of the Pfizer/BioNTech jab, which the CDC admits is only about 66% effective at
this point, the insane mandates will only get worse. And Patriot, you aren’t being told
the truth about the FDA approval. You see, the Pfizer product currently in use will continue to
be authorized for use under the Emergency Use Authorization, which exempts Pfizer/BioNTech from all legal liability. The approved product,
“Comirnaty,” is not even in production yet. Yet, immediately following the
“approval” announcement on Monday, Joe Biden went on a fascist rant that would make Mussolini blush:
“I'm calling on more companies in the private sector to step up with vaccine requirements that will reach millions more people. If
you're a business leader, a nonprofit leader, a state or local leader, who has been waiting for full FDA approval to require vaccinations, I call on
you now to do that — require it." Biden can call for it, but if business leaders can’t enforce it because their employees and customers refuse to
comply, that horrible idea will die a very public death. And if business owners also refuse to
comply, like the group of restaurant and gym owners who formed a group that is suing New York City while saying they refuse to enforce the vaccine
passport mandate by Mayor Bill DeBlasio (D), there’s no way for the Needle Nazis to get their way.
I suspect these business owners in New York are ready for non-compliance as well, with many more who would join them.
Patriot, will you stand with me for freedom and liberty today?
Click here to sign the personal pledge to tell the
medical tyrants you ARE DONE with their COVID dictatorship. Then please dig deep to give the most
generous donation you can TODAY to help us fight back. $25, $75, $150, or whatever you can afford!
I’m afraid if more people don’t make a bold statement
now, proclaiming they are done with the mandates and medical tyranny, you and I will forever be subject to the whims of tyrants like Dr. Fauci. On CBS This Morning last week, Fauci again pushed for mandated COVID vaccinations, saying
that personal freedom to opt out of the COVID jab goes out the window entirely -- when he says so:
“We've got to do
mitigation, put aside all of these issues of concern about liberties and personal liberties.”
Why is anyone still listening to Dr. Fauci? He ought to be forced to explain
his role in funding the Wuhan Lab, not pushing for more of the same failed mandates. Fauci
hasn’t lived in reality for decades as a highly paid bureaucrat with no consequences for his bungling actions. He’s been wrong about
nearly everything since this pandemic began, but his words are being parroted by people who you and I must resist NOW. Sign the pledge.
No amount of obedience gets our country out of this mess. I truly appreciate your support for the cause of medical
freedom and urge you to make this bold statement while we still can. For Liberty,
 Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman
P.S. There is no limit to what freedoms Dr. Fauci and his band of mini medical dictators will take from us if the public continues
to obey him. Sign the pledge to say you will not comply!
Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help to stop a repeat of 2020. Please consider a generous donation now.
If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ____________________________________
The mission of Campaign for
Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a
constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.