Dear Friend-
“Voter suppression is not politics, it is an attack on our democracy.” -Joseph, volunteer elections worker and Air Force Veteran
Help us tell the story of James, José, and Lakeisha, voters from across the country who have faced voter suppression. Click here to view this powerful new ad from Fair Fight Action and help us ensure our Senators and Representatives in Washington, D.C. hear loud and clear that we urgently need their action.
Support these efforts today and join James, José, and Lakeisha, in the fight to protect the right to vote.

James, José, and Lakeisha are among dozens of voters who recently went to Washington D.C. with Fair Fight Action to tell their stories directly to Congress. This week, the U.S. House of Representatives took the momentous step of passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (HR4), a crucial piece of legislation that will protect Americans’ freedom to vote. Now, as we celebrate this victory, we need you to call your Senators at 833-465-7142 to say that the Senate must take immediate action to pass HR4, along with S1, the For the People Act.
Thank you for being in this fight with us.
-Stacey Abrams
