It has been another hard-fought year. Thanks to your continued support, the Texas Freedom Network’s commitment to social justice has never wavered. True change is possible for Texas, but only if we move forward together with a powerful network of organizers, activists and champions like you!
We are pleased to invite you to Onward! A Celebration of Social Justice Champions on Wednesday, Nov. 3, at 7 p.m.
As we look to the future, we are coming together virtually to recognize the grassroots champions who have gone above and beyond this year to defend our democracy and promote social justice.
Please reaffirm your commitment to defending our democracy by sponsoring TFN’s virtual celebration. Make your sponsorship here!
Your generous sponsorship impacts TFN’s ability to keep fighting the good fight in the halls of the Capitol, the State Board of Education and in local communities across our state. Real change in Texas is within reach. We’re counting on your continued support to push us even closer.
To be listed on the invitation, please make your sponsorship pledge by Wednesday, Sept. 22. To learn more about the virtual event, please visit
Thank you for fighting with us throughout the years. We look forward to celebrating with you online on Nov. 3rd!
In the fight,

Val Benavidez
TFN President

Diane Ireson
TFN Board Chair