Friend --

    TOMORROW: Members from all over Los Angeles County will be convening to deliberate on our chapter’s future via our highest decision making body - the Annual Convention. We will be democratically establishing our organization’s priorities by selecting up to 3 of the 6 proposed Chapter Resolutions that members of our chapter have carefully crafted and submitted for consideration by the body. We will also be deliberating on updates to our Bylaws by debating and voting on the 10 proposed Bylaw Amendments.

    You can still register for the Annual Convention by submitting an RSVP here. Please keep in mind that you must be a member in good standing, having paid your dues to DSA National, before you can get your voting card and cast votes at the 2019 DSA Los Angeles Annual Convention. You can pay or renew your dues to DSA National here.

    Can’t make it to the Convention? You can register a fellow member in good standing to vote on your behalf through this form by 11:59 PM (PT), TONIGHT, October 18, 2019. 

    As a DSA-LA member, you have put in time and hard work into the projects that our chapter has democratically decided to engage in over the past year. Now, please join us at Immanuel Presbyterian Church, 3300 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90010 to provide your input on what our organization’s next year will look like. Check in & voting card pick-up will begin at 8:30 AM & light refreshments will be provided. We will begin at 9:00 AM by deliberating on and adopting the proposed Convention Agenda and Convention Rules.

    Our goal goal for every DSA-LA event is to make them as accessible as possible. Our venue will have child watch available, as well as a lactation room. Additionally, Immanuel Presbyterian Church is 2 blocks from the Wilshire/Vermont Metro Station and near the 18, 20, 51, 204, 206, and 720 Metro Bus Lines. Please find more about the Annual Convention, including parking, lunch and other accessibility information, on our explainer page. Lastly, please avail yourself of our digital Annual Convention Member Kit which will hold all of the items that will be covered at the convention, in one convenient place.

    We have a county to win, & we can’t do it without you.

In solidarity,


Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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