Dear Clarion Project supporter,

Through my work as director of the Clarion Intelligence Network, I’ve had the privilege of working with a number of soldiers and civilians working in Afghanistan over the years; and when Afghanistan fell to the Taliban last week, I started getting a flood of emails from desperate Afghanis who had worked with the Americans and British and who were now, along with their families, facing death or enslavement at the hands of the Taliban.

The stories are heart-rending and horrifying.  You can read a sampling of these stories here.

I made contact with a quickly-assembled team of volunteers who were working on rescuing these people, getting them to safety out of the country.  We quickly put a plan together for collecting and reviewing the documentation from the people seeking refuge, liaising with the US military in Afghanistan, staying in communication with everyone, and working to help them find their way to safety.  

We've already helped hundreds of Afghanis find safety, and we need your help to pay for the complicated logistics of this operation and to help the refugees with their immediate survival needs.  

These are people who believed in what we were doing there and trusted us.  Now we are their last hope for saving themselves and their families. 

Please Donate Now to 
- Save the lives of these Afghanis and 
- Help redeem the shame of our government’s abandonment of its Afghani allies.

Donate Now

They’re counting on us, and we’re counting on you to help.


Ryan Mauro

Director, Clarion Intelligence Network

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