From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Transit union condemns bus driver shooting; 3rd in Baltimore this year
Date August 26, 2021 9:51 AM
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Transit union condemns bus driver shooting; 3rd in Baltimore this year

No contracts, no snacks

Union Voice/Readers Write: How far some will go to profit

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History

[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

Your Rights at Work: Thu, August 26, 1pm - 2pm

WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online.

[link removed] Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, August 26, 6pm - 8pm

Meeting of union members and friends of labor in Arlington.
For more information contact mailto:[email protected] [email protected].

[link removed] NoVA Labor Pride at Work: Thu, August 26, 7:15pm - 8:15pm

Contact mailto:[email protected] [email protected] for more information.

March On for Voting Rights DC: Sat, August 28, 8am - 3pm

McPherson Square, 15th St NW, Washington, DC xxxxxx, USA ([link removed] map)

CLICK HERE to listen to last week's WPFW Your Rights At Work radio show: [link removed] Tales of the Resistance: Persistence (Episodes 6 & 7)
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Transit union condemns bus driver shooting; 3rd in Baltimore this year
In the wake of the tragic fatal shooting of an MTA Mobility bus driver waiting for a bus to go to work, the third murder of a transit worker in the past year, the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) is demanding better protection for transit workers. "I want to express our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of our fallen Local 1764 Brother Isaac Caldwell as of a result of a senseless act of violence while he was waiting for a bus to go to work to serve the public during this pandemic," said ATU International President John Costa. "Our thoughts and prayers are with our brothers and sisters of Local 1764 as they deal with this terrible tragedy." Caldwell was employed by Thrifty Transportation, a subcontractor for First Transit, one of the private companies that runs MTA Mobility in Baltimore. "Unfortunately," the union said, "this brutal killing is not an isolated incident." Last October, Baltimore bus driver and Local 1300-Baltimore, MD, member Marcus Parks was fatally shot on the job. Also, a member of the Teamsters and an MTA Mobility operator was shot and killed while on his bus in January 2021. "The ATU demands that transit agencies and government officials bring the same sense of regret that they will display in the mourning of this tragic, unnecessary death of our brother to improve protection for their workers and riders," Costa said.
[link removed] Read more here.

No contracts, no snacks
That was actor Danny DeVito's rallying cry in support of the nationwide strike by unionized workers at Nabisco who make Oreos, Chips Ahoy!, Newtons and other Nabisco snacks. They're out on strike in five states -- Richmond, VA, Norcross, GA, Portland, OR, Aurora, CO, and Chicago, IL -- over what they say are unfair demands for concessions in contract negotiations. Workers in Richmond say they worked 16-hour days during the pandemic while Nabisco owner Mondelez made record profits. Now, they say, they're being asked to take crumbs and they're vowing to strike until they get a fair contract.

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Union Voice/Readers Write: How far some will go to profit
"Wow, that Gatling history snippet ([link removed] Today's Labor History 8/24) is a great reminder of how far some will go to profit," writes Korey Hartwich (NNU). "Thank you for keeping us aware and educated about the past."

Today's Labor Quote: 1848 Declaration of Women's Rights

"We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal."


This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Sacco and Vanzetti; Midnight in Vehicle City. Last week's show: [link removed] Trumka on the future of American labor.

August 26
Fannie Sellins and Joseph Starzeleski are murdered by coal company guards on a picket line in Brackenridge, Penn. Sellins was a United Mine Workers of America organizer and Starzeleski was a miner - 1919

After 20 months of bargaining, United Airlines reaches a tentative accord with the Air Line Pilots Assn., representing 10,000 pilots - 2000

More than 1,300 bus drivers on Oahu, Hawaii begin what is to become a five week strike - 2003

August 27
Some 14,000 Chicago teachers who have gone without pay for several months finally collect about $1,400 each - 1934

August 28

President Truman orders the U.S. Army to seize all the nation's railroads to prevent a general strike. The railroads were not returned to their owners until two years later - 1950

Baxter Leach, a union activist who helped organize the 1968 sanitation workers' strike in Memphis, dies in the city at age 79. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was assassinated in Memphis while there to support the strikers. 2019

The march for jobs and freedom--the Martin Luther King, Jr. "I Have A Dream" speech march--is held in Washington, D.C. with 250,000 participating - 1963

August 29
Dancers at San Francisco's Lusty Lady Club vote 57-15 to be represented by SEIU Local 790. Their first union contract, ratified eight months later, guaranteed work shifts, protection against arbitrary discipline and termination, automatic hourly wage increases, sick days, a grievance procedure, and removal of one-way mirrors from peep show booths - 1996

Northwest Airlines pilots, after years of concessions to help the airline, begin what is to become a two-week strike for higher pay - 1998

Delegates to the Minnesota AFL-CIO convention approve the launching of It was the first web-based daily labor news service by a state labor federation - 2000

- David Prosten

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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