Dear John,
I’ve been having some interesting conversations lately with supporters about the state of the world and if Jesus’ return is imminent. Certainly there are so many trials, tribulations and challenges we all face, and the one thing we do know is that in Christ our future is assured.
As Christians we have an opportunity to share our hope in the coming glory of Jesus and what we are living for today. Our Saviour came into darkness as a light to show us the true pathway to life, and that we should repent of our sinful ways and focus solely on pleasing God. The Bible tells us to show care to one another and build unity in the bond of peace so that we might show the world that we are disciples of Jesus. In Africa we are a witness to that light, the hope and truth that only comes through Jesus our Lord. In Him we have the pathway to true life, and Africa is our mission field.
In this newsletter we cover stories of how African Enterprise is leading a continent-wide catalyst for evangelism, using innovation and boldness in reaching Africa for Jesus. You are with us in this task to serve the Lord. Thank you for all you make possible in Africa today. We also look forward to celebrating our 60th anniversary with you during 2022, and are planning a series of virtual events featuring our founder Michael Cassidy and our current team leaders.
God bless you and thank you for praying with us and equipping our brothers and sisters in Christ to evangelise the cities of Africa in Word and Deed in partnership with the church.
Ben Campbell
Chief Executive Officer
African Enterprise Australasia