We have all seen a constant attack on truth at the Capitol all year long. We can't let it happen at the State Board of Education next week when board members consider new health textbooks/instructional materials that cover sex education, plus new science curriculum standards that need to include climate change.
Can you testify next Tuesday Aug. 31 and tell the SBOE to teach the truth about sex ed and climate change? Click the button below and we'll walk you through the process.
The testimony registration period opens Thursday, Aug. 26 at 8 a.m. CDT and closes on Friday, Aug. 27 at 5 p.m. CDT.
In order to maintain safety during COVID, we recommend that you to testify virtually. However, the SBOE is also allowing in-person testimony.
When you tell us you're testifying, you will receive a comprehensive guide with everything you need to know to get you prepared to speak to the board. This includes tips on writing and delivering top-notch testimony specific to the health materials and the science curriculum standards.
The SBOE is expected to take a final vote on both of these issues in November. Now is a great time to testify and show your support!
What the board decides will impact our public schools for years to come. By showing up to testify, board members will see that Texans from all walks of life want young people to learn the truth about sex education and climate change science.
Sign up to testify next week and help make a positivie impact on our public school classrooms.
In the fight,

Jules Mandel
TFN Outreach & Advocacy Strategist