One year ago today, a teenager armed with an assault rifle opened fire on Black Lives Matter protesters and killed two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Since then, far too many other lives have been stolen in cities across the country: Atlanta, Boulder, Indianapolis. And let’s be clear, John, we could have prevented these tragedies, because all of these senseless acts of violence were made possible by one thing: a military-style assault weapon.
Assault weapons are designed for mass destruction — to kill as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Brady has been working to reinstate the ban on assault weapons since its expiration over a decade ago. And right now we are at a pivotal moment: With gun violence prevention champions in Congress and the White House, we are closer than ever to banning these weapons of war for good, but we can only do it with your help.
Will you add your name to our petition to demand an assault weapons ban and help us show Congress that this is what the majority of Americans want? Please – we need 130 more names before our midnight deadline and we’re still missing your response.
Banning assault weapons keeps Americans safe and saves lives – in fact, it’s proven. But we need to act or we are risking further tragedy. Congress needs to hear our call loud and clear right now, and we’re still missing your response:
John, will you add your name right now, before our midnight deadline, and demand that Congress bans assault weapons and save lives?
For the victims and survivors of Kenosha, for those who have been killed by assault weapons in this year of inaction, for those who will become victims of these deadly weapons if we do not take action – thank you for taking action.
Kris Brown
Brady President