Sign up now for a Religious Exemption Writing Workshop
Last workshops until mid September
Is your Employer or College Mandating the COVID or Flu vaccine?
Do you have sincerely held religious beliefs against vaccination?
Are you struggling with how to convey your beliefs to your employer/college?
Advance Registration Required
Thousands of people have wanted to participate in the Religious Exemption writing workshops put on by A Voice for Choice Advocacy over the last three weeks. We have completed 12 workshops with over 150 people attending each, but there were still people we had to turn away because there was just so much demand.
We have added three more workshops in the next few days. These will be the last workshops for a couple of weeks, but we will resume offering them in September. Please sign up as soon as possible to guarantee a spot. Each workshop is limited to 150 attendees. Please only sign up for the one you are sure to attend, and cancel your spot if your plans change.
Who should attend? Anyone who has an employer or is attending a college/university actively requiring the COVID and/or flu vaccine. If you are not being required to vaccinate or submit an exemption, please wait until a later date so those people that need to submit theirs in the next week can get a spot. Please do not attend on behalf of another adult (spouse, sister, etc.) The person attending must be the one who the religious exemption is for. Attendance will be limited to 150 per workshop. The first 15 who sign up will be active participants each and the other 135 will be participating observers. Observers will be able to attend the workshop in listening mode, and will be able to go through the process of writing their religious exemption, but will not be able to get live feedback. Christina is happy to review all attendees' religious exemptions via email.
What is expected of attendees? You will be creating your own unique Religious Exemptions which includes your own religious truths and no one else's. No templates will be provided. You will be expected to actively participate and formulate your religious beliefs, under Christina's direction. Active participants (not Observers) will share their exemption wording ideas during the workshop. This information will remain confidential to the group. Active participants will need to have a working camera, on at all times.
When are the workshops and how does one register? There are currently three workshops, but more will be added until demand is met. The next workshops will be on:
- Friday, August 27, 2021 1:00-3:00 PM PST
- Saturday, August 28, 2021 1:00-3:00 PM PST
- Tuesday, August 31, 2021 12:30-2:30 PM PST
Why is A Voice for Choice Advocacy putting these on? We have assisted over 2000 employees and students get their religious exemptions to COVID and/or flu vaccines successfully accepted. Because more and more employers and colleges are requiring the COVID vaccine, Christina is offering three Religious Exemption Writing Workshops, for people who are looking for guidance in creating a religious exemption for their employment or studies. Please read the details and register below:
Is there a charge for the workshops? There is no charge for the workshops, but a donation of at least $20 to A Voice for Choice Advocacy (https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/donate) would be appreciated.
Hope to see you there! Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
