Dear Partners,

As Congress continues to negotiate the inclusion of critical health provisions in the next recovery package, we must not lose sight of important regulations that the Biden Administration is working to finalize in the coming months. In September, advocates have a key opportunity to make our concerns heard and provide recommendations through the federal comments process.

Join Families USA and other advocates in elevating our voices to guarantee consumer protections from surprise bills and to achieve hospital price transparency!

We created a set of tools for you to use to amplify your voice, and give direct feedback to the federal agencies on consumer protections from surprise medical bills and hospital price transparency.

Check Out the Administrative Advocacy Toolkit Here!

This toolkit includes the following resources:

  1. Template comments
  2. Email copy to share with partner networks and encourage them to submit comments
  3. Sample social media posts to elevate key messages to partners, the media and the Administration
  4. Social media graphics to amplify the importance of surprise billing protections and hospital price transparency
For more background, check out recent national news articles on these key issues:

To your health,

Hannah Markus
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator

Copyright © 2019 Families USA, All rights reserved.
Health Action Network

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