U.S. Representative Val Demings
View email in browser | August 25, 2021
U.S. Representative

Federal Grant Opportunities in September

Dear Friend,

As your Representative in Congress, it is my privilege to deliver this newsletter with opportunities for federal grants in District 10.

Grants are generally available to non-profit organizations and state or local government entities. Individuals and private companies may apply for research funds based on specific federal agency funding opportunities.

As you may know, federal funding is extremely competitive and limited in availability. It is my hope that this newsletter will be a helpful resource for you in the grants process.

For more information about getting started and the application process, please visit www.grants.gov, or contact Erin Waldron, my Senior Advisor for Legislative and Community Affairs, at 202-225-2176.

Additional Information
Are you eligible for a federal grant?
What are your next steps?
Learn how to write grant applications

My office is here to assist you with any of your needs.

Recently Awarded in District 10

Export-Import Financing – Export-Import Bank of the United States

  • Recipient: Matthews International Corporation
  • Award: $127,502
  • Description: The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) provides export financing to help U.S. companies compete for global sales through its loan guarantee, direct loan, and insurance programs. EXIM financing is only available in cases where the private sector is unable or unwilling to provide financing or when U.S. exporters are facing foreign competition backed by official export credit support. Approximately 90 percent of all EXIM authorizations have directly supported small businesses. The amount includes the dollar value of total insured shipments, guaranteed credit, or disbursed loan amounts reported for the calendar month but may differ from the total value of supported exports.

American Rescue Plan Airport Recovery Funding – Department of Transportation

  • Recipient: Orlando International Airport
  • Award: $150,267,392
  • Description: This grant is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. This grant provides economic relief funds for costs related to operations, personnel, cleaning, sanitization, janitorial services, debt service payments, and combating the spread of pathogens at the airport.

America Rescue Plan Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund – Department of the Treasury

  • Recipient: Port Canaveral
  • Award: $72,205,076
  • Description: This funding is specifically to support the financial recovery of Florida’s ports through the America Rescue Plan and the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund. The award is part of $250 million in funding for Florida’s ports to assist in recovery from decreased revenue in 2020 and to invest in infrastructure at Florida’s ports. Florida’s ports generate an economic impact of $117.6 billion and support 900,000 jobs.

National Endowment for the Humanities Program Grant – National Endowment for the Humanities

  • Recipient: Valencia College
  • Award: $200,000
  • Description: This grant will support the program: Timeless Parallels: Classical Literature and Veteran Experiences Project. The program is a three-week, hybrid institute on veterans’ issues and experiences in classical literature for 25 high school teachers, aimed at those teaching Latin, JROTC, and English.

Team Nutrition Training Grant for School Meal Recipe Development – Department of Agriculture

  • Recipient: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
  • Award: $273,240
  • Description: As part of Back-to-School efforts for School Year 2021-2022 USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is awarding approximately $1.4 million in FY 2021 funding through the Team Nutrition Training Grant for School Meal Recipe Development, Cohort B, to six new State agencies. The program will build State agencies’ capacity and sustainable infrastructure to develop, standardize, prepare, test, and menu recipes for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP).

Early Head Start - Child Care Partnership Grants – Department of Health and Human Services

  • Recipient: Community Coordinated Care for Children, Inc.
  • Award: $4,460,479
  • Description: This Administration for Children and Families grant is awarded to public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide for Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in Osceola, Seminole, and Orange Counties, Florida.
Upcoming Grant Opportunities

Healthy Homes Production Grant Program – Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • Award Ceiling: $2,000,000
  • Application Deadline: September 21, 2021
  • Description: The Healthy Homes Production Program (HHP) is part of HUD’s overall Healthy Homes Initiative launched in 1999. The program takes a comprehensive approach to addressing multiple childhood diseases and injuries in the home by focusing on housing-related hazards in a coordinated fashion, rather than addressing a single hazard at a time. The program builds upon HUD’s successful Lead Hazard Control programs to expand the Department’s efforts to address a variety of high-priority environmental health and safety hazards.
  • More Information: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=335132

National Leadership Grants for Libraries – Institute of Museum and Library Services

  • Award Ceiling: $1,000,000
  • Application Deadline: September 24, 2021
  • Description: The National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program (NLG-L) supports projects that address critical needs of the library and archives fields and have the potential to advance practice in these professions to strengthen library and archival services for the American public. Successful proposals will generate results such as new models, new tools, research findings, services, practices, and/or alliances that can be widely used, adapted, scaled, or replicated to extend and leverage the benefits of federal investment.
  • More Information: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=334500

Agriculture Innovation Center Grant Program – Department of Agriculture

  • Award Ceiling: $1,000,000
  • Application Deadline: September 27, 2021
  • Description: The primary objective of the program is to provide grants to Agriculture Innovation Centers that will provide technical assistance to agricultural producers to market value-added agricultural products.
  • More Information: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=334366

Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Demonstration Program – Department of Transportation

  • Award Ceiling: $1,000,000
  • Application Deadline: September 28, 2021
  • Description: The Federal Highway Administration continues the Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Demonstration authorized within the Technology and Innovation Deployment Program (TIDP) under the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The AID Demonstration provides incentive funding for any project activities eligible for assistance under title 23, U.S.C. in any phase of a highway transportation project between project planning and project delivery including planning, financing, operation, structures, materials, pavements, environment, and construction that address the TIDP goals.
  • More Information: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=334546

Endangered Species Recovery Implementation – Department of the Interior

  • Award Ceiling: $2,000,000
  • Application Deadline: September 30, 2021
  • Description: The principal objective of this Recovery Implementation funding opportunity is to support the implementation of priority recovery actions for federally endangered and threatened species. The ESA conveys the importance of recovery plans as a central organizing tool for guiding each species’ recovery process by requiring their development for every listed species. Recovery plans establish an overall recovery vision that, among other things:
    1. Defines the point at which protections under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) are no longer needed,
    2. Identifies and prioritizes the most effective and feasible suite of recovery actions that will promote species survival and recovery,
    3. Provides the public and policy makers with an overall estimate of the time and cost to recover species, and the ability to measure success and resources needs, and
    4. Aids the Service in working with others to improve the status for imperiled species.
  • More Information: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=329584

Brownfields Job Training – Environmental Protection Agency

  • Award Ceiling: $3,000,000
  • Application Deadline: October 5, 2021
  • Description: This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible entities, including nonprofit organizations, to deliver Brownfields Job Training programs that recruit, train, and place local, unemployed and under-employed residents with the skills needed to secure full-time employment in the environmental field. While Brownfields Job Training Grants require training in brownfield assessment and/or cleanup activities, these grants also require that Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training be provided to all individuals being trained. EPA encourages applicants to develop their curricula based on local labor market assessments and employers’ hiring needs, while also delivering comprehensive training that results in graduates securing multiple certifications.
  • More Information: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=335038

Public Engagement with Historical Records – National Archives and Records Administration

  • Award Ceiling: $150,000
  • Application Deadline: October 7, 2021
  • Description: The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks projects that encourage public engagement with historical records, including the development of new tools that enable people to engage online. The NHPRC is looking for projects that create models and technologies that other institutions can freely adopt. In general, collaborations between archivists, documentary editors, historians, educators, and/or community-based individuals are more likely to create a competitive proposal. Projects that focus on innovative methods to introduce primary source materials and how to use them in multiple locations also are more likely to create a competitive proposal.
  • More Information: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=333706
My office is here to assist you with any of your needs.


Val Demings
U.S. Representative, Florida's 10th Congressional District

217 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-2176
2295 S Hiawassee Rd, Suite 301
Orlando, FL 32835
Phone: 321-388-9808
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