If I lose, Democrats will lose the Senate.

I’m Catherine Cortez Masto, and I proudly represent Nevada in the U.S. Senate. Last election cycle, I worked tirelessly to defeat Mitch McConnell and help flip the Senate as the Chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Senate Democrats’ campaign arm.

Now, Mitch McConnell is making it crystal clear that he wants revenge.

In a moment, I’m going to ask you for a donation to support my campaign and defend our hard-won Senate majority. I hope you’ll let me explain -- because if I lose this race, Democrats will lose the Senate majority.

I just got some urgent news that completely changes the state of my race, and I wanted you to be the first to know: Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate has just officially announced his campaign to defeat me and take back the Senate for Republicans.

CNN is reporting that my Senate seat is one of the most likely to flip and The Cook Political Report just shifted this race in Republicans’ favor. Donald Trump nearly flipped Nevada in 2020, and the GOP and outside groups have already spent over $1 million this year to defeat me.

That’s why my campaign just launched an emergency rapid-response goal to raise $50,000. Reaching this goal will help ensure we have the resources to defend this critical seat -- and the folks at the PCCC who helped me win in 2016 thought I should reach out. I’m counting on you to rush a donation to help us defend the Senate. Please, will you donate right now to keep Nevada blue and defend our Democratic Senate majority?

Nevada races are always close, John: Just 2 percentage points decided my race in 2016, and just 2 percentage points separated President Biden from Donald Trump last year.

Now that the GOP’s dark-money allies have a far-right, Trump-supporting extremist to throw their money behind and flip the only seat they need to regain Senate control, this race could be the most expensive in Nevada history.

I really mean it when I say the Senate majority will be decided in Nevada -- and the only way I can win is with grassroots supporters like you.

That’s why I’m reaching out to you personally, John. Defending our Senate majority is the only way we’ll be able to keep fighting for the progress Americans need and deserve. But defending the Senate will take considerable resources -- and right now I’m falling short of my emergency rapid-response goal. Please, before it’s too late, will you rush a donation to help me win and defend the Senate majority?

Here’s the best link to give and ensure we defeat Mitch McConnell.

Thank you so much for your support.

¡La lucha sigue! The fight continues!

-- Catherine Cortez Masto







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