AVFCA sends letter to ALL CA school districts and private schools
alerting them of the laws governing adding the COVID-19 vaccine for K-12 students
Following on the heels of Culver City Unified School District’s (CCUSD) Superintendent stating that CCUSD will mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for students 12 and older, earlier this week, A Voice for Choice Advocacy today sent a letter outling the law and other key aspects to every
California school district: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/AVFCA-Letter-Schools-COVID-Vaccine-Requirement-082421-public.pdf
And every private school in California: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/AVFCA-Letter-Schools-COVID-Vaccine-Requirement-082421-private.pdf
Per California law, California school districts and private schools CANNOT require the COVID-19 vaccine, unless either 1) the legislature passes a law that states it is required for school (per the childhood vaccines requirements for school) or 2) the California Department of Public Health puts out regulations stating such (in which case they would also have to allow a personal belief exemption), neither of which have happened to date. Furthermore, a school district cannot change their enrollment/attendance policy without a change in board policy, which would require it to be presented in a public Board of Education meeting and allow for public comment. Furthermore, a private school cannot change their enrollment/attendance policy without notice to parents and a change in the school’s enrollment contract, signed by both parties. Most schools and school districts also have a Nondiscrimination/Justice/Equity/Diversity/Inclusion Statement that such a vaccine requirement would go against.
Please feel free to use these letters from A Voice for Choice Advocacy, or content within them, if your school or school district is requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for in-person learning.
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Together we can make change happen.
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
