Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
August 25, 2021
Institute News
Senior Scholar L. Randall Wray has been named the 2021 Veblen-Commons Award winner. The award is presented each January at the annual meeting of the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) in recognition of significant contributions to evolutionary institutional economics.
New Publications
e-pamphlet | July 2021
What Is MMT’s State of Play in Washington?
L. Randall Wray

In this e-pamphlet, Senior Scholar L. Randall Wray raises the question: Has MMT really made headway with policymakers? Examining the issue in the context of Representative John Yarmuth’s (D, KY-03) recent speech in which he explicitly adopts an MMT approach to budgeting, Wray urges reconsideration of the way that fiscal policy impacts are assessed.

Read complete text (pdf)
Working Paper No. 991, July 2021
Multifactor Keynesian Models of the Long-Term Interest Rate
Tanweer Akram

Tanweer Akram, Wells Fargo, applies John Maynard Keynes’s insights about the influence of the current short-term interest rate over the long-term interest rate in two multifactor models, translating Keynes’s insights into specific functional forms for understanding interest rate dynamics and evaluating which specifications best capture the underlying processes.

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Levy Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy
Backed by over 30 years of proven policy impact, the Levy Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy provide innovative approaches to topics such as time use, poverty, gender, student debt, and employment that other programs neglect, encouraging students to evaluate policies, examine behavior, and dig deeper into the social phenomena that underlie economic outcomes. Working alongside professors who are actively engaged in tackling today's most pressing economic problems, the Levy graduate programs allow you to apply what you learn in the classroom to real-world research while giving you unprecedented access to leaders in government, NGOs, central banking, academia, and journalism. Along with a challenging academic environment, the Levy programs also offer a supporting and caring community where students make lifetime connections. To find out more, visit bard.edu/levygrad or follow the program's Facebook page.

Inquiries regarding enrollment for spring 2022 should be directed to the program recruiter, Martha Tepepa ([email protected]). Scholarships are available.
Media and Web Coverage

Institute President Dimitri B. Papadimitriou joined Voice of America's Vadim Allen to discuss whether inflation is an imminent threat to the economy, if the Fed would respond in the immediate future, and the reasons underlying its present stance.

L. Randall Wray spoke with Steven D. Grumbine of Macro N Cheese to discuss the MMT approach to funding policy priorities, including universal single payer healthcare, unemployment compensation, and a job guarantee. He was also featured, along with Research Associate Stephanie Kelton, in a Bloomberg Businessweek article touching on the same topics.
In This Issue
Institute News
What Is MMT’s State of Play in Washington?
Multifactor Keynesian Models of the Long-Term Interest Rate
Levy Graduate Programs
Web and Media Coverage
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Multiplier Effect
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