As summer draws to a close and Congress prepares to return to work following the August recess, we want to recap ASA activities over the past few months. The Capitol and many congressional offices remain closed to the general public - an unconscionable decision for a representative government of, by, and for the People. We are eager to get back on the Hill to continue our work of educating legislators on the realities of suppressors and to protect and defend suppressor ownership. But ASA has not rested on our laurels. We've been busy continuing the fight anywhere and everywhere that we can.
- Guam Suppressor Legalization: In April, ASA Executive Director Knox Williams testified in a virtual hearing before the Guam legislature in support of a bill that would legalize private suppressor ownership for citizens of the US territory.
- Opposition to ATF Director Nominee: ASA and thousands of our members sent letters to Senators in opposition to the nomination of anti-gun activist David Chipman for Director of ATF. Chipman's nomination appears stalled in committee as support for his confirmation has waned. The fight isn't over until his nomination is officially withdrawn and we urge everyone to continue contacting their Senators to keep up the pressure.
- Suppressor Hunting Permit in Maine: On June 8, Governor Janet Mills (D) signed ASA-sponsored LD635 into law. The bill removed the requirement of a separate suppressor hunting permit in Maine. It was passed unanimously by both chambers of the legislature.
- Hearing Protection Act in Republican Budget Proposal: In May, ASA-sponsored Hearing Protection Act language was included within the Republican Study Committee's (RSC) budget proposal. The RSC is the largest Republican caucus in Congress. Their support is a testament to our educational efforts over the past 10 years to normalize suppressor ownership.
- Freedom Raffle: In June and July the ASA x SOC-F Freedom Raffle raised over $200,000 to support ASA's mission to protect your hearing and SOC-F's mission of supporting our special operations warriors and their families. We are humbled by your support of both organizations.
- Massachusetts Suppressor Legalization Hearing: In July, ASA Executive Director Knox Williams testified before the Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary in support of H. 1570, a bill that would legalize private ownership of suppressors in the Bay State.