In closely watched Wisconsin, politicians are refusing to hold a single community hearing to gather input from the public before they lock in new voting maps for the next ten years.
What’s happening in Wisconsin is coming to your hometown next. Politicians in District of Columbia will gerrymander voting maps for the next decade unless we mobilize right now to stop them.
But elected officials will think twice about gerrymandering if they know you're watching and won’t let them rig our elections without a fight. So send a message to your District of Columbia legislators right away demanding they hold a transparent redistricting process that leads to fair district maps.

Freshly armed with census data and technology that can gerrymander maps with newfound precision, lawmakers are already trying to rig our district maps so that they won’t be held accountable to the voters they serve.
Politicians gerrymander voting districts so they can ensure they'll win re-election without having to worry about winning your vote. When your vote doesn’t matter, your voice doesn’t matter. And the fate of our democracy depends on Americans deciding who represents them in government, not the other way around.
State legislators have been lying in wait to lock in new maps that would stack the deck in their favor. But if we all stand together, get loud, and impose overwhelming pressure, we can force them to reconsider and save our democracy.
Every day we don’t put our foot down and call out lawmakers for what they’re doing brings us another day closer to rigged maps. Send a message immediately to tell your state lawmakers to draw fair voting maps.
Thank you for everything you do,
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs