Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

Biden's open southern border policy is an open door to terrorists.

According to the outgoing Border Patrol Chief, we are seeing an unprecedented number of known or suspected terrorists crossing our southern border in recent months. With Biden's total retreat in Afghanistan, our state and country are at an even greater risk to terrorists entering our country.

Terrorists Crossing Border

Biden is putting Americans everywhere at risk. He is either incapable of understanding that or doesn't care.

We are having to spend record amounts of Texas taxpayer money to defend our border because Biden refuses to do so. We need more National Guard on the border now. We will be making an additional appropriation of funds to bolster our forces, in addition to what we just did a few months ago. We have no choice. Biden is selling out our country and putting us at greater risk every day.

Dems Are Back From Vacation

On Thursday, the Texas House was able to maintain a quorum when several Democrats returned to work for the 87th Second Special Session. You need two thirds of the members, 100 out of 150 House members, for a quorum. There are 83 Republicans, meaning of the 67 Democrats, 17 had to show up. However, because two House seats are currently vacant, they only needed 99 of 148 for a quorum. They are right at or near that number, so hearings were able to begin this past weekend. Hopefully bills will begin to pass to the Senate later this week.

As you may recall, we did not lose our quorum in the Senate in the first or second special. I appreciate the Senate Democrats who stayed and worked so we could conduct business for the people of Texas over the last 60 days.

Finish Our Work

We have passed important legislation on bail bond reform, a 13th check for retired teachers, property tax relief, banning critical race theory, stopping boys from playing girls' sports and taking away opportunities and potential scholarships from girls and young women, and of course Senate Bill 1, making voting easier and cheating harder in Texas.

The Senate has passed some of these bills four times and we will continue to do so until they become law.

We look forward to working with the House over the next 7-10 days of the second special session to finish our work. We will keep you posted.

Have you Heard?

Census Data

No surprise here. Census data shows four of the Nation's ten fastest-growing municipalities are in Texas! Texas is the land of low taxes, reasonable regulations and pro-business policies.

Do You Agree?

Nike. American Airlines. Patagonia. Will it ever end?

Corporate America and its 'woke' attitude is really a series of attacks on American exceptionalism. Vote in my poll and tell me whether you support woke companies or whether you boycott them.

Texas' Ella Bruning Makes Little League World Series History

Ella Bruning

Did you see this? Ella Bruning, of Abilene, is the only girl competing in the 2021 Little League World Series — and she became a part of history on Friday night as she helped her Texas team defeat Washington State in a 6-0 victory. Her team faces off in an elimination game today. Regardless of the outcome, she has made Texas proud.

The Democrats will stop at nothing to try and defeat me at the ballot box in 2022. Your support will help our campaign champion conservative ideas across Texas. Because when the conservatives win, Texas wins. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Please continue to keep our state and our nation in your prayers. May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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"Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant."
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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