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Minnesota Family Council



It's Time to Respond Compassionately to the Transgender Trend           parent_resource_guide_img.png

You've probably heard that schools in Minnesota and across the nation have passed "gender inclusion" policies that allow transgender-identified students to use bathrooms and changing rooms designated for the opposite sex.

And, what’s worse, because school districts rightly feared the reactions of parents, many school boards would pass these policies quietly. Parents wouldn’t find out about the changes until after they had already been made and were given no opportunity to be heard.

Parents have been knocked on their heels when their kindergartners have come home from school wondering “how little girls become little boys.” Young female track athletes are forced to change in front of and compete against males. Children are scolded for using the correct pronouns when referring to classmates—forced to undergo “re-education” so that they feel comfortable referring to a “him” as a “her.”

Parents are rightly wondering how to respond and what their rights are.

In fact, Minnesota Family Council received so much input from parents on this issue that we developed the Parent Resource Guide over the last two years. While that resource remains essential for Minnesota families, we've now partnered with an unlikely coalition to provide a resource for parents across the country! We joined with a self-described radical feminist group Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), our friends at D.C.-based The Heritage Foundation, our allies at Family Policy Alliance, and two parent groups who have children or loved ones struggling with gender confusion, to release the first-ever national Parent Resource Guide for parents on how to navigate the transgender issue with their children.

We are proud to partner with this unique coalition to produce a valuable resource for parents. The Guide is endorsed by medical professionals—including those who are experts in gender dysphoria, individuals who have lived as the opposite sex and “de-transitioned,” faith leaders, national policy experts, and more.

The Parent Resource Guide will help parents understand the transgender trend and its consequences, understand the implications of transgender activism in schools, communicate with school leaders, advocate for common sense policies and act with compassion toward everyone involved in the conversation.

We’d like to invite you to download your FREE copy of the Guide today! And, please share the link with your friends so that they can download it too.

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We believe “politics” need not be a dirty word, but it certainly is when a political agenda takes precedence over children and their families. Our calling is to equip parents to understand the issue, help them stand firm in biblical and scientific truth, and to help them take action.

We pray you find this new Guide valuable as you navigate the transgender trend with your children and their school!

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Surgeon General's Warning: Marijuana Use is NOT "Safe"


Earlier this fall, Surgeon General Jerome Adams issued an advisory on the dangers of marijuana, especially for young people and pregnant women. “Recent increases in access to marijuana and in its potency, along with misperceptions of safety of marijuana endanger our most precious resource, our nation’s youth,” Adams stated. The health risks detailed here by the Surgeon General are some of the principal reasons Minnesota Family Council opposes recreational marijuana legalization in Minnesota.

In his advisory, Surgeon General Adams states,

No amount of marijuana use during pregnancy or adolescence is known to be safe. Until and unless more is known about the long-term impact, the safest choice for pregnant women and adolescents is not to use marijuana.  Pregnant women and youth--and those who love them--need the facts and resources to support healthy decisions. It is critical to educate women and youth, as well as family members, school officials, state and local leaders, and health professionals, about the risks of marijuana, particularly as more states contemplate legalization.

 Read the whole piece by MFC's Patience Griswold at The Family Beacon.

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Passionate about Strengthening Marriages in Your Church? Attend an Upcoming Marriage Roundtable!


Passionate about seeing marriages strengthened in your church and among your friends?  Join other Marriage Champions by attending an upcoming Marriage Roundtable to be encouraged and equipped.

Marriage Roundtables are small groups of Marriage Champions from different churches.  They are a place for people to regularly share what’s happening with marriage ministry in their churches and receive feedback on challenges, questions, or concerns they’re facing in their work to strengthen marriages.  If you’re involved with premarital education, mentoring, couples’ small groups, marriage classes, or other marriage strengthening efforts, consider attending an upcoming Marriage Roundtable of Marriage Champions at one of the following locations.

  • Thursday, November 14: Grace Church, 9301 Eden Prairie Rd, Eden Prairie, 11:30 am to 1 pm
  • Thursday, December 5: Hope Lutheran Church, 5200 Emerson Ave N, Minneapolis, noon to 1:30 pm
  • Thursday, December 5: River Valley Church, 12345 Portland Ave S, Burnsville, 11:30 am to 1 pm

If you’d like to attend, please RSVP to Tom at [email protected] because space is limited.  Each Roundtable is limited to a dozen people to ensure everybody can participate.  So, don’t wait!  Let us know if you’d like to attend an upcoming Marriage Roundtable.  For questions or more information email Tom or call him at 612.600.3136. 

The Marriage Roundtables are sponsored by Forever Adventure, a nonprofit organization seeking to help spark a marriage movement by raising up Marriage Champions in our churches and communities.

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Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

Get Your Copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource Guide!

The Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same!

Click to order your copy today:

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Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council's vision for 
strong families and communities through Christ. We are grateful for your partnership with us in prayer, legislative involvement and generous donations.


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Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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