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Newsletter: August 24, 2021

In This Newsletter:

Recall: Vote No & Go
Public Input for Congressional and State Legislative Redistricting
Ongoing Fresno County Redistricting Discussion
Young Democrats Networking Party
CDP Rural Caucus
Track Your Recall Ballot
Clean Shared Mobility Network Community Meetings
America Is Made Stronger by Refugees
Track Your Air Quality
District 1 Employment Opportunities
Get the Vaccine

Democratic Party Website and HQ

There is a strong likelihood that the Republican recall will result in Governor Newsom being removed from office, with a radical conservative slipping into the Governor’s office with a small percentage of the vote. There will be no “top two candidates” winnowing recall, as California chose to have as our election system. If millions of Californians do not take the effort to vote “NO”, a Trump republican will win without a majority.
     Keep California Blue provides an organized system to help people work in unison. Join a phonebank or knock on your neighbor’s door. There are organized groups contributing every day. It is absolutely vital that California come together to resist this recall.

Help a Local Food Bank

Text “food” to 202-858-0303 for a list of food banks in your area.


Public Input for Congressional and
State Legislature Redistricting

Ongoing Fresno County Redistricting Discussion

Redistricting decisions will shape our communities for the next 10 years. Will residents be empowered, and their concerns addressed? How district lines are drawn can keep communities together. Or they can be carved up, their voices silenced, their interests ignored. 

At our weekly Fresno Equitable Map Coalition meetings, we discuss the proposed Equity Coalition community map for the Fresno County Board of Supervisors (courtesy of Dolores Huerta Foundation’s demographer), address significant communities of interest and mobilize for upcoming redistricting hearings. Compelling community stories can make a difference.

Fresno Equitable Maps Coalition Meetings:

Hope you can join us and spread the word.

Young Democrats Networking Party

Join the Fresno County Young Democrats for an evening of outdoor socializing and networking. All age groups are welcome! Make new friends or catch up with old ones. The first 40 people there will get a free drink.

You must be vaccinated to attend.

CDP Rural Caucus

The Rural Caucus wil meet on Aug. 28 at 8 a.m. via Zoom as part of the California Democratic Party’s Executive Board Meeting. Here is the link to register.

Speakers include Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara and Joaquin Esquivel, chair of the State Water Control Resources Board.

The agenda spotlights some pressing issues and concerns. Award-winning journalist Mark Arax, author of The Dreamt Land: Chasing Water and Dust Across California, will provide historical context to the drought and what he predicts for the future.

Attendees will hear about the impact of the latest water curtailment measures from Esquivel and what he sees ahead, followed by a presentation from Tom Collishaw, CEO of Self-Help Enterprises (SHE), a community development organization, based in Visalia, that helps disadvantaged rural communities cope with dry wells and failing water systems.

Track Your Recall Ballot

All voters can now get critical updates on their ballots through California’s official “Where’s My Ballot?” tracking tool.Signing up takes less than three minutes.

You can also copy this URL into your browser:

Can you think of a relative, neighbor or friend who might be interested in ballot tracking? Share this URL with them.


What you’ll be able to track

Where's My Ballot? White Background

You can select to receive notifications on the status of your vote-by-mail ballot by text (SMS), e-mail or voice call, including alerts if there are any issues with your ballot and instructions for how to correct them to make sure your vote is counted.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to track your ballot every step of the way.

Clean Shared Mobility Network Community Meetings

Every third Tuesday, the network meets to discuss improving electric vehicle charging access and other transportation improvements and solutions needed to help cut our region’s contribution to damaging the atmosphere while making people’s lives easier.

All meetings are 5:30 p.m.–7 p.m. Agendas will be provided prior to the meetings. Upcoming meeting dates: Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16 and Dec. 21.

Meetings will be held virtually until CDC-compliant in-person meetings can be held. 

For any question, e-mail [email protected].

The Clean Shared Mobility Network is supported by the California Strategic Growth Council’s Transformative Climate Communities program with funds from California Climate Investments—cap-and-trade dollars at work.


America Is Made Stronger by Refugees

America has benefited from what refugees can bring us many times before. It is difficult to imagine today’s California without the contributions of Vietnamese and Hmong Americans who joined us under a previous shroud of war. Fresno, in particular, knows how new people can enhance our culture.

Now, as the Taliban wages war to conquer Afghanistan again, I can only hope that we as Americans and as Californians remember to welcome those Afghans who choose to come to our shores and find the chance to arrive safely. Our country has often struggled to live up to our aspiration as a haven for the tired, poor and huddled masses yearning to breathe free. But when we do follow that message from Liberty herself, we are all so much stronger.

Track Your Air Quality during Fire Season

As wildfires burn in several places across California, air quality can rapidly shift from Fresno County’s normal dusty summer conditions to extremely unhealthy. It is as quick as a shift in the wind.

To protect your health and the health of those around you, monitor the air quality in your area. That way you can shut windows and limit voluntary outdoor activities during those hours when the smoke descends. Preventing ash from settling inside can stop longer-term health hazards. is a free government resource that is easy to use and helpful. I check it multiple times a day and it only takes a second. Stay safe.


The COVID vaccines are a miracle that our country seems to be squandering. There is no excuse for hesitancy. If some people have to get boosters, so be it, that should not change anyone’s decision. This is a simple choice about doing something to help millions of people around you.

Democratic Party Website and HQ

The Fresno County Democratic Party website is the best place to get regular updates on upcoming events in the area, as well as information on ways to get involved. There is also information on scheduled meetings from the many Democratic clubs in Fresno County.

The Democratic Party HQ (1033 U St.) is open 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday–Friday (and Saturdays through the recall election). Call 559-495-0606 or e-mail [email protected] for information or to volunteer.

Support your local Democratic Party by making a donation via ActBlue or by mailing a check to Fresno County Democratic Party, P.O. Box 5795, Fresno, CA 93755.


Our newsletter is prepared by Francis Horan.


Democratic Party Headquarters: 1033 U Street, Fresno, CA 93721

[email protected]

Copyright © 2021 Fresno County Democratic Central Committee, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 5795, Fresno CA, 93755
Paid for by the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee. FEC ID # C00518605, FPPC ID # 743910.
1033 U Street, Fresno, CA 93721. Not authorized by any candidate or committee.

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Fresno County Democratic Party · 1033 U Street · Fresno, CA 93721 · USA