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Friend --
For nearly every student in DCPS or a DC Public Charter
School, back to school is underway or begins next Monday. And while
last spring and early summer showed a lot of reasons to be hopeful in
the fight against the spread of COVID-19, we're in a very different
place today. This email update is fully dedicated to schools, but I
will send out another update soon with more comprehensive information
from around the Ward. I'm going to relay the latest information as
shared by the Mayor and DCPS Chancellor last week.
But I'm also holding an online Back
to School Town Hall this Thursday, August 26, at 8
pm. I've invited several guests to join me, including our
Ward 6 State Board of Education member Jessica Sutter, Ward 6 Public
Schools Parents Organization leader Suzanne Wells, DC Charter School
Alliance Executive Director Shannon Hodge, and perhaps one more guest.
We'll share information and perspectives, but I also want to answer
your questions. Please send questions my way (you can reply to this
email with them if that's easiest) and we'll help make sure to get you
More Details on Re-Opening
Last week DCPS and the Mayor released more information on
reopening our schools for in-person learning. I want to acknowledge
right away that this continues to be incredibly difficult at every
level, including for parents and students to teachers, principals,
support staff. We're all being asked to balance near-impossible
challenges: minimizing the risk of COVID to entire families while
recognizing the critical and central role classroom learning plays for
students, many of whom haven't attended in-person in nearly a year and
a half.
That being said, while I want every student to have the option of a
full-time in-person seat in their school, the lack of a true virtual
learning option (as challenging as that is to operate for both
educators and students) is a major concern I've been raising. The idea
that parents are basically choosing between sending their unvaccinated
child into a classroom every day, including eating meals unmasked in
large groups, or just...not doing school because there isn't a viable
virtual option isn't best for our kids' unique needs and situations.
The lack of virtual instruction is also a concern for likely
quarantine situations, where students are unable to attend in-person
after being exposed to COVID-19 in the community, at home, or at
Of course,
it goes without saying that if your child is 12 or older, the best
course of action is to ensure they're vaccinated. For our older
students, this can dramatically improve the safety of attending
in-person and should not be overlooked. Just this week, the FDA
announced it has approved full authorization to the Pfizer vaccine.
The District is providing some great prizes for young people getting
vaccinated, including free AirPods!
For parents getting ready to send students back to school,
here's what to expect on the first day:
Mask Requirements
Every person on school property will be required to wear a face
mask. Masks may be removed for eating, drinking, and during nap
time for pre-k students. Students must also wear masks when outside
during recess, during before/after school care, and all other
activities. As parents, let's drive home the importance of wearing
your mask to our children to make life easier for our school
Lunchtime: Most students will be eating lunch in the
cafeteria pending any moves to outdoor lunch. Large HEPA filters are
being installed in all school cafeterias to enable older students to
eat outside of their classroom. The most common exception is for pre-k
and kindergarten students who will eat lunch in their classrooms to
reduce exposure to other student groups. Every
classroom will be outfitted with a small air filtration
Athletics - Except when actively
playing, student athletes will also be required to wear masks and
maintain physical distancing when participating in higher risk sports
(this includes those high-contact sports such as wrestling, football,
basketball, hockey, lacrosse, martial arts, rugby, soccer,
cheerleading, etc.).
COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 testing will be conducted weekly by a saliva test by
trained school staff or a deployed testing vendor. This weekly
testing will include a random sampling of 10-20% of students and
all unvaccinated staff. The results will be available to
families and staff within 6-8 hours and school communities will be
notified of positive test results within their student's classroom
and/or school building.
As testing is considered a medical procedure, all students and
staff must submit an active consent form,
available here: COVID-19 Testing Consent Form
- I will note that I am concerned on two fronts here. First,
asymptomatic testing is an important part of a public health safety
and prevention program. And while we need to ask for parents' consent
to take a saliva test, I think we would see far higher participation
with an "opt-out" rather than an "opt-in". And second, the current
consent form has troubling language that requires parents to waive all
liability if their child contracts COVID-19 at school. This sets up a
very unequal situation where parents that sign the form and those that
don't will have potentially different liability questions. I've asked
OSSE for more information about this and to make changes.
Quarantine Guidance
When a student or staff member tests positive, they will be
required to isolate for at least 10 days and show improvement of
symptoms (including no fever for 24 hours) before returning to school.
Students who are required to quarantine will be provided with a
device for learning at home.
New this year, there will also be quarantine requirements for
those who come into close contact with someone who tests positive - an
extension of the District's contact tracing work. A student in
a school setting is determined to be in "close contact" when they
spend 15 minutes or more within 6 feet of an infected person within a
24-hour window within two days prior to illness onset or a positive
test result.
There is, however, an exception to these close contact
guidelines: students are not considered to be in close contact if they
are consistently wearing well-fitting masks and other mitigating
factors are in place (such as physical distancing or increased
When close contact is established:
Unvaccinated Students & Staff - When an
unvaccinated student or staff member is in close contact with someone
who tests positive, he/she will be required to quarantine for at least
seven days. If the student or staff member tests negative on or after
day five of this quarantine period, they will be permitted to return
to the classroom. If no testing is conducted, then the quarantine
period is extended to 10 days.
Vaccinated Students & Staff - When a vaccinated
student or staff member comes into close contact with someone who
tests positive, but they do not experience any symptoms, then they do
not need to quarantine. It is recommended that they are tested three
to five days after the initial exposure.
Next Steps
I'll be honest - I'm as anxious as many of you are. I
recognize how hard this moment is - both as your Councilmember and a
father of two DCPS students. But after hours and hours of Council
hearings with school leaders and the public and months to plan, and a
burning desire to feel optimistic heading into a new school year, I
still feel parts of the preparations lagging behind. Nothing was
shared that indicated any planning on if a pivot to virtual learning
is needed. No real effort was made to allow families to offer a
virtual learning option - something I have consistently said we need
to be prepared to offer until all students can be vaccinated and our
COVID case numbers are improved.
After touring schools last week, I found
teachers excited to welcome students back and working hard to create a
safe and engaging classroom. But I also found buildings with HVAC
issues, which not only affects everyone's comfort and safety as we
continue to experience heat emergency days, but it also impacts the
effectiveness of air filtration and ventilation needed to decrease
COVID's spread indoors. I wish there was a more rigorous effort to
head off larger, riskier activities such as eating lunch indoors, but
many of the schools I visited are still waiting to receive the outdoor
furniture and equipment they ordered many months ago through DCPS. I
truly believe our principals and school staff are preparing to do the
very best they can to protect and teach our children, but I'm
concerned about some of the guidance they're being asked to
Monday begins school for many, but it won't mean the end of
watching and responding to what we're seeing in real time. As a public
school parent who's weighing all these concerns for my own kids, I
want all parents to have faith and trust in their school. As I
mentioned at the top, I'm hosting a Virtual Town Hall (REGISTRATION
LINK HERE) this Thursday, August 26, at 8 pm. I've invited
several leaders across the local education space to provide more
viewpoints and I'll be there to share information and answer your
questions. I want to hear from parents:
- Are you comfortable with the plans in place for your DCPS or
DC Public Charter School?
- What else would you like to see in place?
- Would you prefer more robust virtual learning
- What more can give you the greatest amount of confidence for
the school year?
Thanks as always and hope to see you soon,
Charles Allen
