We can’t afford a summer slow down with so much important work right ahead of us.

Friends -

In just a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a $3 contribution today ahead of next week’s end-of-month fundraising deadline.

I’m going to explain more in just a moment, but if you can, will you consider making that $3 donation now to help me and my team continue organizing and building progressive power in Congress and beyond?

Here’s why this is so important:

One week from today, on August 31, we’re facing an important end-of-month fundraising deadline.

You see, August is usually one of the slowest months for grassroots fundraising. And that’s exactly how we fund our people-powered campaign and organizing efforts that help grow our movement — a fact I’m incredibly proud of.

But what that means is that August is a very important month for our team, one where we really need to keep pace — especially this year.

Between the ever-growing climate crisis and continuing the fight for a Green New Deal, to the landmark infrastructure and reconciliation bills making their way through Congress, we can’t afford to slow down with so much important work right ahead of us.

That’s why I’m asking today:

Can you chip in your $3 contribution before our upcoming end-of-month fundraising deadline? Every dollar will go straight to work in our fight for the bold progressive agenda our country needs.

Now, I know that $3 doesn’t seem like the kind of money that can fund an entire campaign or organizing operation. But the fact is that when you add your $3, and someone else adds theirs, and hundreds more people from our movement all across the country chip in theirs too, it all adds up.

We’ve proven that during big moments before, and I’m confident that together we can do it again.

Thank you in advance for your support ahead of this important deadline. We could not do this without people like you in our corner.

- Ed Markey


Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112
United States

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