News and Updates

WILL filed an original action with the Wisconsin Supreme Court urging the Court to declare the current legislative districts unconstitutional and establish a judicial plan of apportionment. WILL represents four Wisconsin voters who live in legislative districts that, as a result of the 2020 Census, now have their vote unconstitutionally diluted, counting less than if they lived in a different district.

Read more here.

Rick Esenberg and Will Flanders take stock of the evidence on the efficacy of the vaccines and the danger posed by the COVID-19 virus.

Read more here.

Noah Diekemper and Will Flanders highlight the split among Democrats on school choice in a recent poll of primary voters.

Read more here.

WILL filed an original action with the Wisconsin Supreme Court urging a review of the authority of the Dane County public health officer to issue a new county-wide mask mandate. The Wisconsin Supreme Court made clear in June that the powers of a local public health officer are limited and must be specifically conferred by a legislative body.

Read more here.

WILL and AEI Conservative Education Reform Network (CERN) joined Representative Mike Gallagher in Green Bay for an education reform summit on the education to workforce pipeline. The summit featured panels with education experts from WILL and AEI, school leaders, and Congressman Gallagher.

Watch the entire event here.

With many concerned about Critical Race Theory, Miranda Spindt and Will Flanders examined private school accreditors to see if CRT requirements were being imposed on any schools in the choice program.

Read more here.

WILL issued a letter to the Mequon-Thiensville School District (MTSD) warning that any request for an accommodation of religious beliefs, protected by the state and federal constitutions, does not need the endorsement of a religious official or institution. 

Read more here.

We'll be celebrating 10 years of defending freedom at the WILL annual gala on October 20 in Waukesha.

Purchase tickets here.