Senator Warren, Senator Bennet, Rep. Khanna and I need you on our team.
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I'm teaming up with Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Michael Bennet, and Rep. Ro Khanna -- and now we need you on our team.

I came to Washington to repair our government and make it work for more of us, regardless of race, income, or ZIP code. I have promising news on this front, but I'll have to quickly get in the weeds of the legislative process to explain -- stay with me.

When members of Congress vote on bills that affect the budget, we reference a "score" from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). This score details the bill's total cost, which in a perfect world helps Congress determine how to pay for the bill's investments. But the score doesn't give the full picture: It overlooks the impact of that spending in the real world.

That is why I teamed up with my colleagues to introduce the CBO FAIR Scoring Act this past week. This bill requires the CBO to assess how money is spent and who benefits as a result, so lawmakers can take more informed votes - and so we can ensure more equitable impacts.

Now we need your signature to show we have grassroots support to move this bill forward. Better data leads to more just policies -- and that's crucial to restoring faith in government.


The CBO FAIR Scoring Act will finally give Congress the tools to look deeper by requesting a non-partisan “Fiscal Analysis by Income and Race” for every law we propose.

To give an example, future bills to raise the minimum wage would be accompanied by a CBO memo detailing where a wage increase will make the biggest impact. Low-wage earners are disproportionately Black and brown, so a law to raise the wage will positively impact these communities the most.

So what do you say? Will you join me, Senator Warren, Senator Bennet, and Representative Khanna today?

Incorporating this data into CBO's scoring process would help chip away at racial and economic injustice. Our bill would move the needle in a big way -- and I hope you'll add your name to show your support today.





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