Green Party of Canada

Hi Friend,

Thousands of volunteers are powering our Green campaigns across the country. Now we need your help so that we can give local campaign teams the tools they need to reach out to voters who haven’t yet heard about our bold climate and social policies.

Your $5 donation helps in the bustling environment of a campaign headquarters to train and care for Green volunteers. That’s more qualified Greens making phone calls and sharing our message.

Give $5

Your $15 gift makes a big impact in getting yard & window signs ready for every kind of neighbourhood. One more street showing Green strength and excitement!

Give $15

Give $50 and you’re helping to buy airtime and online ads that reach voters where they live (advertising is expensive, and we’re competing with the deep pockets of the other parties!)

Give $50

Giving $100 and more keeps campaigns across Canada COVID-safe as we adapt to this new kind of campaign. We need your support!

Your donation is more than a number – it’s the energy that helps maintain and encourage our teams of progressive candidates, volunteers and supporters working to elect Greens right now. Please give what you can, and thank you!

Green Party of Canada


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Our mailing address: PO Box 997, STN B, Ottawa ON, K1P 5R1. Call us toll-free: 1-866-868-3447

Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.